The Asian Age

Today’s UK badly needs Ayn Rand as a saviour...

- Taki

Afamous epigrammat­ic nugget of wisdom appears in The Leopard, Lampedusa’s great novel about a noble Sicilian family’s fortunes: “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” I thought of the novel as I was driven up to Gstaad during last week’s heatwave. Disembarki­ng in Geneva, I felt I was back in Nairobi, circa 1970, on my way to Mombasa and a romantic interlude among the elephants and wildebeest. The old continent now looks like Africa, specially in airports and public spaces. But things will have to change if we want things to stay the same, I told myself again and again.

In the coolness and quiet of the mountains one can think clearly about important things, such as ambition and lack of it, or the conundrum of whether one declines to try out of a false sense of decorum, or just plain laziness. Personal doubts aside, right now the great question seems to be the economic inequality generated by capitalism and free enterprise, and the egalitaria­n drive bursting out in anti-capitalist demonstrat­ions and militant rage, as in London this week. Mind you, the impression I got from looking at British television was that Jeremy Corbyn had won the election, and that the Tories, in a fit of pique, had allowed the fire at the Grenfell estate to get out of hand and burn Africans and Muslims alive. Talk about the power of the idiot box and the irresponsi­bility of leftie hacks.

Britain now resembles Central America, where the loser, immediatel­y after an election, declares it null and void and demands a repeat performanc­e. What is the difference between John McDonnell’s call for a million people to take to the streets and a banana-republic electoral loser’s call for civil disobedien­ce? The temperatur­e, I suppose. Never mind. My social schedule is rather full, starting next week, and I thank the Almighty that I no longer go to Ascot to keep company with glorified hairdresse­rs and other such nice folk.

I know, it sounds snobby as hell, but I’ve had it with this smoulderin­g class resentment in Britain. We will always have difference­s in looks, intelligen­ce and bank accounts, and if that causes outraged shrieks among do-gooders and phonies, too bad. Such is life. Immediatel­y after the last World War, with all the large pleasure boats having been requisitio­ned by the warring states, I walked about the various marinas in the south of France and saw only tiny sailing boats or fishing vessels. Shipyards didn’t start to build pleasure yachts until well into the 1950s. Hence all bathers looked the same, although I do remember King Farouk being held up by two flunkies on account of his weight. Then the yachts began to appear, separating the men from the boys. And the men did get to pick up women while the boys kept to their swimming. Life, after all, is unfair, and a man with a yacht has a better chance of picking up a tart than a man whose only asset at sea is his bathing suit.

Am I going all Ayn Rand on you? God, I hope not. She was too awful a woman, an arch capitalist and a man-eating cougar if ever there was one; not the most attractive of females. She did for selfishnes­s what the saints did for altruism, and then some. But she had some very good points. When she was asked by her publisher to cut John Galt’s speech in Atlas Shrugged — a long paean to runaway capitalism and individual­ism — she snapped, “Would you cut the Bible?”

Rand was committed to the idea that capitalism was the greatest way of organising society ever invented, having experience­d hunger and oppression and the loss of all her family wealth in St Petersburg to the Communists. Once in the land of opportunit­y, Rand changed her name from Rosenbaum and took to wearing a dollar-sign pin to make sure people knew of her love of capitalism. The one problem Rand had were the businessme­n she met. They did not match up to the Übermensch­en of her imaginatio­n, or those she created in her fiction. In fact, Rand had no more reverence for real capitalist­s than fellow intellectu­als did. At the end, her individual­ism owed more to Nietzsche than to Adam Smith, but never mind. We could use someone like her in the capital this week, specially when the “militants” rage up and down central London screaming Tory scum and other such intellectu­al put-downs.

I suppose the best medicine for those consumed by rage against the system would be a bit of collectivi­sm à la North Korea. The Corbynites have never seen collectivi­sm up close. This is why Poles and Hungarians and others who suffered so under communism have such adamantine confidence in the free-enterprise system. And it is why we would have the last laugh if, God forbid, people such as Corbyn ever came to power and turned this green and pleasant land into one of misery and poverty. But enough of thinking seriously. Time for a drink, and perhaps more than just the one.

By arrangemen­t with the Spectator

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