The Asian Age

Celebs slam body-shamers

Many actors have come out in support of actress Aneri Vajani, who recently faced thin-shaming on the internet, by raising their voice against trolls


Got a bit of cellulite? Got no cellulite? Got muscles? Got no muscles? Got a lot of melanin? Got very less melanin? Trolls are out to get you. No matter what body type or shape you have, the internet is a dark place where someone is sure to find a fault in your body. Many people face such trolling, and if a person happens to be a public figure, the hatred simply multiplies.

Numerous actors have been bodyshamed over the years. While a general understand­ing of body shaming makes one think of fatshaming, thin-shaming has equally hurt people. The latest target of thin-shaming is Beyhadh actress Aneri Vajani, who got trolled for her Instagram photo where she was wearing a bikini. She slammed the trolls, and many actors are coming out in support of her, raising their voice against these trolls.

Model and actress Vahbiz Dorabjee has also been subjected to body shaming because of her thin body. “Then, I put on weight because of hyperthyro­idism but, unfortunat­ely, we live in a very shallow world where people are vain and pass comments on your appearance, no matter what size you are. All I can say is, always be confident and don’t let anybody break it. Every body is beautiful in their own way. Wear what you are comfortabl­e in and do not get affected,” she says, adding, “The day you show trolling affects you, people will derive more pleasure from passing shallow comments everyday.” TV actress Meinal Vaishnav has had a long brush with body shaming. “When I was in school, I was skinny. My relatives used to make fun of me. During puberty, when my body began changing, the same relatives again had lots of questions about why and how the ugly duckling was changing. Judgments are never-ending. But the question is, how far we let these affect us. We must shun these delusional measures of beauty and concentrat­e on being a beautiful person inside,” she says, adding, “We all have experience­d it in some way or the other. The moment we are born, we are given various names based on our physical appearance — Golu, Kalu, Motu, etc. We all grow up with a certain sense of beauty standards in our minds. And anybody who doesn’t fit into it is either ugly or doing it all wrong. Thanks to the internet, now everybody is a selfacclai­med critic.” Turn to Page 22

The moment we are born, we are given various names based on our physical appearance — Golu, Kalu, Motu, etc. MEINAL VISHNAV TV actress The day you show trolling affects you, people will derive more pleasure from passing shallow comments everyday — VAHBIZ DORABJEE, actress

 ??  ?? Actress Aneri Vajani was trolled for looking extremely skinny in this picture she uploaded on Instagram
Actress Aneri Vajani was trolled for looking extremely skinny in this picture she uploaded on Instagram
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