The Asian Age


God doesn’t want us to have rigid rituals with Him. In the new covenant, He is more interested in having a relationsh­ip with us

- If you have a question, Maanya Kohli has an answer. Send us your full name, date of birth and question at and Maanya will answer your question in this column — JOSEPH PRINCE

In a small village called Hasanpur, lived a priest in an old temple. He had an eight-year-old son, Raghu, who worked as his apprentice at the temple. One day the priest had to go to town for some urgent work. He requested his son to worship the idols in his absence. “Don’t have food without offering it to God,” he instructed Raghu. The boy nodded in agreement and the priest left for town, assured that Raghu would take care of the temple. The next day, Raghu got up early in the morning. He bathed the idols, put new clothes on them, applied sandal paste on his forehead, lit the lamp, folded his hands, and chanted the prayers. He remembered his father’s instructio­n and so, he brought some food and kept it before the idols and said, “I have got food for you, please eat it.” After all, it was an idol, how could it eat anything? The boy repeated his request again and again, “I cannot have food till you eat.” But the idol wouldn’t eat anything. Raghu started crying with hunger.

Suddenly, a white light spread across the idol and God appeared before him, “Why are you crying?” The boy replied, “My father told me that I should eat only after you have eaten food. I am very hungry and cannot eat anything without offering you first.” God smiled and said, “Let us have this food together.” God sat with Raghu and ate the food offered to him. After eating the food, God disappeare­d.

Now, every day Raghu had food with God. After three days, the priest returned. He asked Raghu whether he followed his instructio­ns. The boy exclaimed, “Oh yes, I did, God eats with me every day.” The priest was surprised, “What are you saying? How can an idol eat food?” Raghu said “See for yourself tomorrow.” The next day, the boy worshipped the idol and then offered food. A white light spread around the idol and God appeared. Both started eating together. The priest was flabbergas­ted. He knelt down before God, “Oh God, I have been worshippin­g you since I was a young boy, but you never appeared before me, why?” God replied, “You have been performing only rituals, but this boy worshipped me with his true heart. You ate food after just offering me, but he did not eat until I appeared and accepted his food.”

My dear readers, I wish that you understand that faith and love for God is more important than rituals. If you remember God truly, he will appear before you and help and support you.

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