The Asian Age

Pope defrocks paedophile priest

Mauro Inzoli will be stripped of his clerical status


Pope Francis has defrocked an Italian priest found guilty of the sexual abuse of minors, reversing an earlier decision to reduce his punishment, the diocese at the heart of the scandal said on Wednesday.

Mauro Inzoli, 67, was defrocked in 2012 after he was first accused of paedophili­a, but that decision was reversed in 2014, when Pope Francis ordered him to stay away from minors and retire to “a life of prayer and humble discretion”.

On Wednesday the diocese of Crema in northern Italy said Francis had “ruled definitive­ly” on May 20 that Inzoli, sentenced to nearly five years in prison last year for sex abuse, would be stripped of his clerical status.

The priest, dubbed “Don Mercedes” by the press for his penchant for luxury cars, was found guilty by a Cremona court of eight counts of sexual abuse of children aged 12 to 16 years old between 2004 and 2008.

Pope Francis, who was elected in 2013 and vowed to take a “zero tolerance” approach to clerical sex abuse, had faced heavy criticism for overturnin­g the decision by his predecesso­r, Pope Benedict, to defrock Inzoli.

Prosecutor­s had also slammed the Vatican in 2015 for refusing to hand over the results of an internal investigat­ion into the priest.

The Cremona court ruling found that Inzoli had molested the youngsters during confession­s, while they were away together on summer and winter camps, and even in hospital, La Repubblica newspaper reported.

One victim told the court the priest “referred to a sort of ‘baptism of the testicles’ which he said was a Jewish ritual found in the Old Testament as a sign of affection between father and son,” it said.

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