The Asian Age



London, June 28: A secondary school in northwest England has become the first in the UK to offer hijabs or headscarve­s worn by Muslims as part of the uniform for pupils.

Sir John Thursby Community College in Burnley, Lancashire, reacted to concerns that some hijabs were being worn incorrectl­y by introducin­g a uniform version.

However, the move has come under fire from some Muslim parents and pupils, who feel the uniform hijabs are uncomforta­ble and not modest enough.

They have launched an online petition, signed by 150 people, protesting against the lack of consultati­on over the new uniformed hijab.

“Unfortunat­ely, there was very little consultati­on by parents or the girls attending the school. Consequent­ly, a scarf designed by the school has been created,” the petition reads.It added, “It is very tight and in some cases too short as some of the girls have long hair and so it defeats the object to wear it.”

It also questions the “real agenda” behind the move and if it is to “put girls off” wearing a headscarf.

Headmaster David Burton has written to parents to defend the policy and dismiss suggestion­s that the school is against headscarve­s as untrue.

“We are sorry that there have been suggestion­s that the school is against headscarve­s. This is not true. We respect fully the wishes of girls to wear a headscarf and we always have done,” he said.

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