The Asian Age



k, we gather, means not just ion, but also acting. “Would elieve it? I am working in three films at the moment. They are different from one another, and t, they require me to stretch f beyond what I’ve done . Any work I do as or, actor or choreogr has to take me of what I’ve y done,” says the tifaceted udeva. “I think I the things that I together. Work is ave. I have no love ven if I did, work always be my top prineed to be always worke it in any capacity or lanAs a choreograp­her, too, work to inspire me. I recently chorehed a song for a Tamil film ayesha Sehgal, who incidental­ys the lead in the Tamil film I recting,” he asserts. s it goodbye to Bollywood for “Not at all. In fact, I am already looking at projects in Hindi. One film that I am directing is a love-action drama starring Sooraj Pancholi, but that would be in 2018,” Prabhudeva confirms. 2017 will keep Prabhu busy down South with the three Tamil films that he is acting in and the one that he is directing. The Tamil film Karuppu Raja Vellai Raja that Prabhudhev­a is directing a lavish costume drama. Understand­ably, he is excited. “I’ve never done something like this before, and it’s going to be a challenge. I am going to direct Karthi, Vishal and Sayesha Sehgal. Karthi, as you know, is one of the most promising actors. Vishal, I’ve directed in Vedi 2011. And Sayesha is the legendary Saira Banuji’s niece. It’s exciting to enter a new world with them, and I’m looking forward to it,” he concluded. I don’t know where my home is anymore. My two sons are studying in Chennai, so I can’t uproot them from that city.

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