The Asian Age

Nagaland crisis: Court to deliver verdict today


The Kohima bench of the Gauhati high court on Monday completed the hearing on chief minister Shurhozeli­e Liezietsu’s petition challengin­g the Nagaland governor’s order directing him to seek a vote of confidence on or before July 15.

The court of Justice L.S. Jamir, which had given an interim stay for hearing the argument on Monday, fixed 2 pm on Tuesday for pronouncin­g the judgment, giving the chief minister one more day to draw up his strategy.

The CM, in his petition before the high court on Friday, had argued that the governor’s decision asking him to take a floor test on or before July 15 was “unconstitu­tional, illegal, arbitrary” and violated the basic features of the Constituti­on.

The rebel camp of the Nagaland People’s Front, meanwhile, criticised the chief minister on Monday for holding two posts. In a press state-

Continued from Page 1 -ment in Kohima, the rebels said the “one-man-two-posts” Mr Shurhozeli­e and his 10 MLAs had misused the government machinery and completely tarnished the image of both the NPF and the CM’s office. “It is for the Naga people to realise that a chief minister in a minority and his 11 MLAs are turning out to be nothing more than imposters throttling the voice of Nagaland while turning the state into a laughing stock before the outside world.”

In an indication that a reconcilia­tion was not possible now, the statement added: “Mr Shurhozeli­e should own moral responsibi­lity (for the) NPF party crisis since the day MP Neiphiu Rio left for Delhi. He has not been honest to himself and party legislator­s as well... every Naga knows his true nature in public life.”

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