The Asian Age

Trump’s ambitions need Indian finesse

- S. Nihal Singh

the obvious man to assume chief ministersh­ip of the state, but Mr Lalu Prasad extracted his pound of flesh and more by insisting on his sons, political greenhorns, being given ministeria­l positions, one of them as deputy chief minister. Tejashwi Yadav is now facing charges by the Central Bureau of Investigat­ion (CBI) on his wealth. The other son, Tej Pratap, is health minister and, in addition, Mr Lalu Prasad’s daughter Misa Bharti was given the gift of a seat in the Rajya Sabha. In fact, Mr Lalu Prasad and his children have been asked to clarify where they got the money for buying a string of properties around the country.

Mr Trump, therefore, has a long way to go before matching Indian artistry in promoting family in politics. His instincts are sound. Contrary to convention, he has not made his tax returns public nor has he placed his businesses in a blind trust and although his eldest son now runs the realty business, profits will go into the President’s pocket.

Mr Trump’s daughter Ivanka, a fashion designer running her own business, startled the world at a session of the Hamburg summit by taking her father’s place at the table, instead of a senior aide, like secretary of state Rex Tillerson substituti­ng for him. As with Sanjay in Indira’s time, world leaders are seeking Ivanka to make their

If Trump would want to promote son Donald Junior, in addition to favourite daughter Ivanka, he should make a stop in Bihar to learn the art from the master himself, Lalu Prasad Yadav number with the father. The Chinese have been courting Ivanka and her husband Kushner for some time. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after her frigid initial meeting with Mr Trump, invited Ivanka to a conference in Berlin, only to be greeted by boos from the meeting floor. Prime Minister Narendra Modi threw his turban into the ring during his US visit by inviting her to lead the American delegation to a conference in India in the autumn.

Mr Trump is still learning the ropes and should accept Mr Modi’s invitation to visit India at an early date to learn the finer points of promoting family welfare in politics. If he would want to promote son Donald Junior, in addition to favourite daughter Ivanka, he should make a stop in Bihar to learn the art from the master himself, Mr Lalu Prasad.

It is suggested by wise observers that unlike civil servants who enjoy fixed tenures, being a politician is a chancy business and he might be out of office in a split second. He has therefore to ensure his future in two ways: secure his financial future and launch his progeny into politics to try their luck. Mr Lalu Prasad has had his ground covered on both counts.

In Mr Trump’s case, he is a rich man and does not need to make more money although multiplyin­g millions and billions becomes a habit. Rather, his instincts are more narcissist­ic and, like his Indian counterpar­ts, he wishes to found a Trump dynasty. In any case, he needs an Indian excursion to derive advantage from an old practice honed over generation­s. It would certainly give him new ideas to launch his eldest son’s career in politics.

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