The Asian Age

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After receiving backlash for saying that he is “a gay man right now just without the physical act,” Andrew Garfield is now making amends. He had made the comment during an interview while he was preparing for his role in the play Angels in America, in which he plays a gay man. The backlash was that many believed the 33-yearold actor was “simplifyin­g what it means to be gay.”

Now, in an interview with the Newsbeat, Andrew clarified his comments. “That’s of course not what I meant at all. That discussion was about this play and how deeply grateful I am that I get to work on something so profound. It’s a love letter to the LGBTQ community. We were talking about, ‘How do you prepare for something so important and so big?’ and I was basically saying, ‘I dive in as fully as I possibly can’,” he said and continued, “My only longing is to serve and to keep the world spinning forward for the LGBTQ community in whatever way I’m meant to. It’s important to a community that I feel so welcomed by. The intention (in my comments) was to speak to that, speak to my desire to play this part to the best of my ability and to fully immerse myself in a culture that I adore (sic).” or the movie Shailene Woodley had to cut her waist-long hair to a pageboy haircut as she was not able to wear a wig. She donated the hair to a local children’s hospital that makes wigs for kids.

FThe actor said that he did not mean to ‘simplify what it means to be gay’ and that he is grateful to be playing the character

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