The Asian Age


All of your worries and concerns about sun damaged skin can be put to rest with this new treatment

- PRABHU MISHRA The writer is a researcher and director. (Disclaimer: Always check with an expert before going ahead with such treatment.)

Technology is a boon when it comes to looking young and beautiful. With each passing day, newer beauty solutions are coming our way. A new generation of high-powered resurfacin­g treatment is bringing cheer to those troubled with sun-damaged skin and wrinkles. The latest is the CO2 Laser Treatment. As expected, Kim Kardashian was one of the pioneers at revolution­ising it, followed by comedian Chelsea Handler. It is fast-acting, long lasting and a custom-made technique to help you improve your looks and the health of your skin. In laser treatments, infrared light delivers predictabl­y deep heat below the skin’s surface, removing the damaged outer layer of the skin. It stimulates collagen production and new skin cells in the underlying layers, bringing about smoother, younger and healthier-looking skin. Sometimes, the laser procedure can also be combined with PRP (platelet rich plasma) Therapy, in which the client’s own venous blood is taken; the plasma from it is separated and applied. CO2 laser treatment is the highest intensity laser treatment currently available to get rid of sun-damaged skin, wrinkles and dark spots. After being treated with the laser, the surface of the skin appears tighter and smoother because the laser uses heat to restrict the collagen bands found in the lower dermis. With this treatment, you can reduce or eliminate wrinkles, scars, wart, and birthmarks. It has even been used to treat skin cancer in its earliest stages. This treatment is a popular cosmetic option today to help rejuvenate skin and restore its youthfulne­ss. It is effective in retexturin­g and tightening the skin, especially facial skin, and can, in most cases, help you set the clock back, reversing the damaged caused by years of exposure to the sun. The result is bye-bye brown spots, hello pink baby skin. The best part is that the downtime is just about five days. But you need to be almost fanatical about sun protection going forward, so that damage does not recur. The cost of the procedure ranges from `35,000 to `15,0000 depending on the intensity of the treatment required and the cycle to set things right. Still, the cost is minimal compared to other treatment options available. What is more, it is completely safe. Make sure you go to a reputable clinic and get the procedure done by an expert in CO2 laser treatment.

 ??  ?? A file picture of Adriana Lima used for representa­tional purposes only
A file picture of Adriana Lima used for representa­tional purposes only
 ??  ?? Prabhu Mishra
Prabhu Mishra

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