The Asian Age



QDear Meera, I worked in the US earlier and with the savings purchased a house in a posh locality which is now worth more than a crore. Unfortunat­ely, this house was registered in my brother and mother’s names. Transfer of the property or at proper division did not happened although I have been pressing for the same for more than three years. The mere thought of losing the property is devastatin­g and I am unable to concentrat­e on my career. Please tell me what is in store for me?

Name: Venkata DOB: 1/02/1968

Dear Sir,

You are a very positive and balanced person and love to accomplish new things. In the past, you have faced a number of challenges and have been very successful.

In the present, I see your fears draining away your energy and keeping you away from achieving your goals. Get to the bottom of your fears and follow your desires from which the strongest energy emanates. The fruit that you reap will tell you what is right for you and what is not.

You cards predict a very bright future. You are a planner and an organiser at the same time. Make a record of which important goals you have achieved and which are missing. The year 2018 brings in happiness, success, money and travel.

You will get a share in your property. However for this you need to take quick action and not delay matters any further. Team work will show better results and help move things at a faster pace. After your birthday you will see positive results. The next eighteen months will be very good.


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