The Asian Age

Don’s 6-nation ban on travel ends tomorrow


Washington, Sept. 22: President Donald Trump’s contentiou­s travel ban expires on Sunday with little clarity over whether America’s door will reopen for travellers from six majorityMu­slim countries.

Based on the policy, US embassies or representa­tives in Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen should resume granting visas to their nationals planning to visit the US for work, study, pleasure or to emigrate.

But some think the Trump administra­tion, determined to stick to his election promise to block Muslims from the country, will extend the 90-day ban at least until the Supreme Court can rule on it next month.

Omar Jadwat, an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer who has argued against the ban in court, said politics, not national security, would likely decide the issue.

“The animating principle for the government throughout has been, the President wants a ban, the President wants to ban as many people as he can, as many Muslims as he can, and we’re going to do what we can to make that possible,” he said.

The ban — which initially included Iraq and was accompanie­d by a 120-day block on all refugees — sparked a political uproar when Mr Trump first announced it on January 27, a week after becoming president.

The ban was frozen by courts after a weekend of chaos. The Trump administra­tion’s stated reason was national security: the need to ensure the six countries that have beenbanned have adequate vetting procedures for travellers, so as to prevent terrorists from entering the US.

 ??  ?? Jeff Sessions
Jeff Sessions

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