The Asian Age

Benazir daughters dare Musharraf

British PM says Benazir was killed by people who rejected UN values


Islamabad, Sept. 22: Slain Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s daughters on Friday hit out at Pervez Musharraf for accusing their father Asif Ali Zardari of being responsibl­e for her assassinat­ion, calling the former dictator a “murderer” and “coward”.

On Thursday, Mr Musharraf claimed that Mr Zardari was responsibl­e for the killing of his wife Benazir and said the former President gained the most from the assassinat­ion of the country’s first woman Prime Minister.

Ms Benazir’s younger daughter Aseefa Bhutto Zardari said in a Tweet that she was “disgusted and appalled by media houses that are giving attention to this murderer, who ran away”.

“Blaming the victim. #ShameOnMus­harraf,” he said in another tweet.

Ms Benazir’s elder daughter Bakhtawar slammed Musharraf in a series of tweets.

“Musharraf should quit talk shows and come talk in the courts of Pakistan. Coward. #ArrestMush #BlamingThe­Victim,” she said in a tweet.

“... And he ran away crying like a coward. Musharraf too busy on golf courses please come to Pakistan and face real courts ArrestMush­arraf,” she said.

Ms Bakhtawar also retweeted her sister Aseefa’s tweet: “Disgusted and appalled by media houses that are giving attention to this murderer, who ran away. #Shame #ArrestMush­arraf ”.

Ms Benazir was also remembered at the 72nd UN General Assembly by Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May who also reminded world leaders that no country had suffered more at the hands of terrorists than Pakistan.

“This year is the tenth anniversar­y of the death of the woman who introduced me to my husband, and who was known well to many of us in this United Nations,” said the British Prime Minister in her address to the General Assembly on Wednesday night. “Benazir Bhutto was brutally murdered by people who actively rejected the values that all of us here in this United Nations stand for,” Ms May said.

She recalled that Ms Bhutto, who was killed in a terrorist attack in December 2007, stood against terrorism “in a country that has suffered more than most at the hands of terrorists”.

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