The Asian Age

‘ Coalition talks must happen soon’

Wolfgang Schaeuble calls on Merkel party to quickly form government A stable alliance between the Union and the SPD would be preferable. It would work one way or another Wolfgang Schaeuble,


Berlin, Dec. 31: Former German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble urged Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservati­ves and Social Democrats on Saturday to quickly form a new government, but said he could not rule out a minority government if no deal is reached.

Germany’s Constituti­on does not favour a minority government but that remains an option, Mr Schaeuble, a leading conservati­ve who is now president of the Bundestag ( lower house of Parliament), told Berlin’s Tagesspieg­el newspaper.

A deal between Ms Merkel’s conservati­ve camp ( Union) and the centreleft Social Democrats ( SPD) is her best chance of securing a fourth term in office. But Ms Merkel’s possible coalition partners are angling for concession­s beforehand.

“A stable alliance between the Union and the SPD would be preferable,” Mr Schaeuble said, adding that the chancellor could still form a minority government. “It would work one way or another,” he said when asked about that possibilit­y.

President of Bundestag

Coalition talks should be completed “sooner rather than later,” he said, noting that the Bundestag was not fully capable of action until a government had been formed.

He noted that President Frank- Walter Steinmeier — who stepped in after Ms Merkel’s talks with two smaller parties collapsed in November — had urged conservati­ves and the SPD to reach an agreement as soon as possible, and said Ms Merkel and other

politician­s had supported that call.

Horst Seehofer, head of the CSU Bavarian sister party of Ms Merkel’s conservati­ves, told DPA news agency a new “grand coalition” should be completed by Easter, which falls on April 1 in 2018.

Mr Seehofer said he favoured new elections over a minority government.

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