The Asian Age



When Kay Kay Menon, probably one of the most talented actors in Bollywood today, says, “I don’t get too many offers,” it’s hard to believe it. But the actor, known to speak his mind, reveals he likes being called picky.

“It feels good when people say I’m choosy. But I’m not,” he smiles. “I choose from what I get. And fortunatel­y, or unfortunat­ely, it’s not too many. So whatever I get, I make my c h o i c e from them. It’s a fact that I don’t get too many offers.”

Kay Kay, who was last seen in The Ghazi Attack, also confesses that he has done mainstream movies for the money. “Of course I’ve done mainstream movies for the money!” he exclaims. “You have your laptop open in front of you, and you see your bank account. Then you say to yourself, ‘ Okay, fine. I might have to earn something for financial support’.”

He says that it gives him the motivation to go back to content- driven films. “I have always believed that my work should be my outlet, and that has been my intention throughout. I’m sure some 15- 16 performanc­es of mine will stand the test of time,” he says.

Kay Kay will now be seen in Vodka Diaries next, and he r e v e a l s that it has a tight, gripping s t o r y. “It’s a h u m a n story, and that’s what caught my interest. For me, that also guarantees longevity. That’s an important aspect. Normally, once you know the plot of a story, you lose interest. But here, it keeps you engaged throughout,” he adds.

The Kushal Srivastava directoria­l also features Raima Sen and Mandira Bedi. The movie is slated for a January 19 release.

— UR

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