The Asian Age

‘ Night owls taking morning classes get lower grades’


New York: Children who are “night owls” and attend early morning classes are more likely to receive lower grades, a study has found. Students whose circadian rhythms were out of sync with their class schedules received lower grades due to ‘ social jet lag,’ a condition in which peak alertness times are at odds with work, school or other demands. In addition to learning deficits, social jet lag has been tied to obesity and excessive alcohol and tobacco use. “We found that the majority of students were being jetlagged by their class times, which correlated very strongly with decreased academic performanc­e,” said Benjamin Smarr from University of California, Berkeley in the US. Researcher­s tracked the personal daily online activity profiles of nearly 15,000 college students as they logged into campus servers. After sorting the students into “night owls,” “daytime finches” and “morning larks” — based on their activities on days they were not in class — the researcher­s compared their class times to their academic outcomes. “Our research indicates that if a student can structure a consistent schedule in which class days resemble nonclass days, they are more likely to achieve academic success,” the researcher­s said. While students of all categories suffered from class- induced jet lag, the study found that night owls were especially vulnerable, many appearing so chronicall­y jet- lagged that they were unable to perform optimally at any time of day. “Because owls are later and classes tend to be earlier, this mismatch hits owls the hardest, but we see larks and finches taking later classes and also suffering from the mismatch,” Smarr said. “Different people really do have biological­ly diverse timing, so there isn’t a onetimefit­s- all solution for education,” he said.

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