The Asian Age

Macron’s Thatcher moment has arrived

- Gavin Mortimer By arrangemen­t with the Spectator

The honeymoon is over for Emmanuel Macron. His first 11 months in office have been something of a breeze — defined by economic growth, internatio­nal approval and museum openings in West Asia. But France’s youthful President is gearing up for months of domestic hostility. “The war of attrition” was the headline on April 3 Le Parisien. Alongside this stark declaratio­n was a photograph of one of the President’s enemies, a prominent figure in CGT, the hard- left trade union. Burly, bearded and belligeren­t, Laurent Brun, head of the union’s railway section, vowed intransige­nce in the three- month rolling railway strike that started this last week.

Macron is as determined as the strikers and appears confident that victory will be his. Over the Easter weekend, French television broadcast pictures of the President getting into his car. “Don’t give in to the strikers!” yelled a passer- by. A smiling Macron saluted his supporter with a clenched fist and a cry of “Don’t worry!”

As cocky as ever, then. But Macron may be starting to feel nervous. He knows his reputation is on the line, not just in France but across the world. Imagine the smirks in Berlin, the sniggering in London, the disappoint­ed head- shaking in Brussels, if the tough- talking President turns out to be as weak as his predecesso­rs when confronted with mass industrial action.

Since his election, Macron has taken the world by storm. He’s hosted Trump, Putin and Erdogan, eased tensions between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, taken the initiative in stemming the flow of migrants from North Africa into Italy, reposition­ed France as the world’s no. 1 soft power, and reinvigora­ted the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015 after the withdrawal of the US.

All this was achieved against a backdrop of complete dominance on the domestic front. Widespread industrial action last autumn against the first stage of his economic reforms petered out, and his political opponents have been similarly ineffectua­l, disorienta­ted by their parties’ dismal performanc­e in last year’s election when Macron surged to his remarkable victory.

But now the President faces a quartet of challenges that will shape the next four years of his presidency. The return of Islamist terror to France has shaken the country, demonstrat­ing that not even a quiet backwater is safe from the jihadists. Last month’s attack in Carcassonn­e and Trèbes that left four dead was also proof of what the intelligen­ce services have been warning for months: that the fall of the ISIS caliphate won’t bring an end to the violence in Europe. The opposite, in fact, with scores of jihadists slipping back determined to carry on the fight.

Intertwine­d in many French minds with Islamism is immigratio­n — the second hurdle for Macron — and the belief that lax border controls have allowed terrorists to cross with ease into their country. In February, his government unveiled plans to crack down on illegal immigratio­n and hasten the expulsion of failed asylum seekers. The proposed bill, which will be tabled in Parliament this month, is welcomed by the majority of the public but not by some in his own party, La République En Marche. The bill will be passed, but

Macron wants to reposition Paris as a post- Brexit bankers’ paradise and has announced he will spend 1.5 billion euros in the next five years as part of a new national strategy for artificial intelligen­ce to rival that of China and the US...

there’s already been strike action at France’s refugee protection office.

Hand- wringing writers won’t worry Macron but the third problem, the railway workers who’ll be striking for two out of every five days until the end of June, is more formidable. Among the reforms the government intends to introduce is one that will open up rail transport to foreign competitio­n, and improve a service that’s declined markedly in recent years. On top of that is the 46.6 billion euro debt accrued by SNCF, an astronomic­al figure which will be partly reduced by ending the privileged status of railway workers that’s existed since 1909, and now includes a guaranteed job for life and retirement at as early as 50 for drivers and 57 for other employees.

Supported by the CGT, the railwaymen are determined to retain their entitlemen­ts, but Macron regards the SNCF as the embodiment of outdated public- sector working practices. “We live in a changing world,” said transport minister Elisabeth Borne recently. “The SNCF needs to change too in order to offer better services.” One newspaper poll this week revealed that of nearly 100,000 respondent­s, only 28 per cent approved of the strike. But that was in the centre- right Le Figaro. Many on the left are supportive; and other groups with grievances such as students, Air France employees, supermarke­t workers and refuse collectors will launch their own strikes or protest action in the near future.

The fourth challenge facing Macron appears on the surface to be the least problemati­c: what to do about the 300 environmen­tal campaigner­s occupying 1,650 hectares of wetlands in NotreDame- des- Landes, near Nantes? In January they won their battle to prevent the constructi­on of an airport after a lengthy campaign, and in conceding defeat the government instructed them to evacuate the area by March 31. The deadline has passed and a hardcore remain, a rag- tag bunch of protesters entrenched in defensive positions that include tunnels and booby- trapped barricades. The police could crush their resistance in hours but the government knows that could provide the spark for something much bigger. The Zadistes, as they call themselves are a symbol of defiance for France’s profession­al protesters, the anarchists, environmen­talists and antifas who are itching for a fight with their President.

What France has embarked upon therefore is not just a war of attrition; it’s a war of vision. Macron and his supporters are desperate to shake off France’s reputation as a nation of work- shy strikers, the people the President memorably described last September as fainéants ( slackers). It was no coincidenc­e that on the day the SNCF strike started, the government announced record foreign investment in France in 2017, a 16 per cent increase on the previous year. The left- wing newspaper Le Monde attributed this statistic to “the Macron effect”.

This is the France Macron envisages, the “start- up nation” that he described last year during his presidenti­al campaign and that he hopes will attract the world’s brightest minds. He wants to reposition Paris as a post- Brexit bankers’ paradise and has announced he will spend 1.5 billion euros in the next five years as part of a new national strategy for artificial intelligen­ce to rival that of China and the US.

It’s a vision that horrifies millions of men and women who don’t want France to change, who cherish the security and protection of the public sector. But Macron isn’t for turning. He’s even angered the elderly by increasing taxes on pensions to raise money to pay for cuts for workers. “Some people will complain and don’t want to understand, but that’s France,” he has said.

Many of the pensioners would have been among the eight million workers who 50 years ago, in May 1968, took to the streets in a general strike to protest against the rule of Charles de Gaulle, a President they saw as out- oftouch and conservati­ve. Half a century later, the man in the Elysée Palace is regarded as too innovative and ambitious, a dangerous young megalomani­ac who in the words of one Socialist MP is adopting “the politics of Margaret Thatcher”. And if Emmanuel Macron emerges with his reputation intact after this spring and summer, he’ll be entitled to call himself the Iron Man.

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‘ Australia would be great if it weren’t for all the cheats’
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