The Asian Age



QI am a 26- year- old male suffering from kidney stones for over two years. It happens every nine months. I drink plenty of water every day ( about three litres). On the last three occasions, scanning showed that the kidney stones are located either inside my kidney or in the ureter. How can kidney stones be treated permanentl­y? Can a special diet help control the formation of kidney stones?

— Anand Kumar


there is not enough informatio­n to answers all your concerns. Some types of stones do run in families. Treatment of kidney stones depends on their type, size and location. You need to get 24- hour urine tests in addition to basic urine analysis to look for PH and crystals. If you happen to pass a urine stone, collect it and store it for analysis. Based on the test results you will get specific dietary instructio­ns and specific medication­s to prevent recurrence­s. Continue drinking three to four litres of water a day.

— Dr P. Vamshi Krishna,

consultant urologist

QI am a 62- year- old male weighing 75 kg. I have been diagnosed with degenerati­on of bones and burrs on spinal bones, which is discomfort­ing when I walk and tingling in the left leg. How can I improve my bone density?

— Sai Suresh


of bones and bone spurs in the spine are a sign of degenerati­ve arthritis of the spine. This is a normal ageing process. In most patients, this remains asymptomat­ic without any problem, but in some this can start putting pressure on the surroundin­g spinal nerves, leading to tingling in the lower extremity. This can also happen because of a degenerati­ve spinal disc where the bulging disc compresses the surroundin­g nerves. Sometimes the pain can also be from spinals stenosis, which is a condition in which the spinal canal becomes smaller, leading to the compressio­n of the spinal cord ( usually bilateral). My advice to you would be to see your orthopaedi­c surgeon who can order an MRI of the spine and treat the condition accordingl­y. The treatment can vary from basic physical therapy of the spine to spinal injections or spinal surgery.

— Dr Praveen Mereddy

consultant orthopedic surgeon

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