The Asian Age

Israel defends sniper who shot at Palestinia­n

■ A video showing Israeli soldier shooting Palestinia­n in leg goes viral ◗ ◗


Jerusalem, April 10: Israel’s military on Tuesday confirmed the authentici­ty of a video that has spread widely showing a soldier shoot a Palestinia­n along the Gaza Strip border, but alleged it followed riots and warnings from troops.

It said in a statement that the Palestinia­n in the video was hit in the leg and wounded. The video was recorded on December 22 in the area of Kissufim near the Gaza Strip, it said.

Israeli right- wing ministers have defended the actions of the soldiers in the video in which rejoicing can also be heard after the shooting.

“Wow. What a video! Yes! That son of a bitch,” one of the voices behind the camera says in Hebrew.

Palestinia­ns have said the video shows Gazans are being shot along border while posing threat to soldiers.

“The video depicts a short part of the response to a violent riot, which included rock hurling and attempts to sabotage the security fence, and lasted about two hours,” the Army said. the no

“During the riot, means were taken in order to disperse it, including verbal warnings and calls to halt, using riot dispersal means and firing warning shots into the air.”

It alleged the warnings were ignored and “a single bullet was fired towards one of the Palestinia­ns who is suspected of organising and leading this incident while he was a few metres from the fence.”

According to the army, the video was recorded by a soldier not part of the unit that fired the shot.

The Palestinia­n in the video was hit in the leg and wounded. The video was recorded on December 22 in the area of Kissufim near the Gaza Strip

Israeli right- wing ministers have defended the actions of the soldiers in the video in which rejoicing can also be heard after the shooting

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