The Asian Age

May, Trump not on Harry’s wedding guest list

Meanwhile, 1,200 commoners figure among invited guests


British Prime Minister Theresa May and US President Donald Trump are among the world leaders who have not been invited to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding next month.

Kensington Palace said that in a departure from usual protocol, no “official list of political leaders” will be compiled for the royal wedding on May 19 at Windsor Castle.

Instead, 1,200 members of the public who are perceived by the couple to have made an impact within their community have been invited alongside guests with a close relationsh­ip to the couple.

“It has been decided that an official list of political leaders - both UK and internatio­nal - is not required for Prince Harry and Markle’s wedding. Her Majesty’s government was consulted on this

decision, which was taken by the royal household,” said a spokespers­on for Prince Harry, the fifth in line to the British throne.

It has also been confirmed that former US President and First Lady, Barack and Michelle Obama, who are friends of Harry, have also been left out of the guest list.

The decision was reportedly made based on the size of the wedding venue, St George’s Chapel, and the fact Prince Harry is much further down the line of accession.

The royal couple had already announced plans to invite members of the public.

 ??  ?? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

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