The Asian Age

Rebellious fashion: Women in Saudi embrace sports abayas


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Colourful and oozing defiance, a sports- friendly version of the abaya gown was once considered a symbol of cultural rebellion in conservati­ve Saudi Arabia, but it is fast becoming the new normal.

The pictures of female athletes running in the garb in the Red Sea city of Jeddah went viral last month, setting off a new debate on sartorial freedoms for women in a country where the typically allblack, body- shrouding garment is obligatory in public.

Some cultural purists vented fury online, calling it a breach of tradition, but opposition has been largely muted following recent comments from powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that the abaya — any abaya — is not mandatory in Islam. Until a formal edict comes however, designers such as Eman Joharjy are cashing in on the growing popularity of the so- called sports abayas, as many women push back against traditiona­l attitudes of equating chastity with dress code. “There is a big demand,” Joharjy said at her fashion studio in Jeddah. “Having them in different colours is empowering.” Akin to a zippered jumpsuit, sports abayas envelop a woman’s body but offer greater mobility for sporting activities, in contrast to the classic baggy version where tripping on the hem of the flowing garment is a common risk. The 43- yearold’s designs come in colours like pistachio green, beige and white — more tolerable in the kingdom’s scorching heat — and she uses natural fabrics, including French poplin, that do not cling to a sweating body.

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