The Asian Age

Easier detection of mild brain injury possible


Washington, April 22: Turns out, easier detection of concussion­s is possible.

According to a study conducted by the University of California, Irvine, some specific small molecules in blood plasma may be useful in determinin­g whether someone has sustained a mild traumatic brain injury ( mTBI), commonly known as a concussion.

Six specific small molecules from blood plasma were discovered in a group of college athletes who had been diagnosed with concussion­s. When these molecules were assessed, their combined presence accurately predicted whether teammates had sustained an mTBI or not.

This suggests that these small molecules, and possibly others, might be clinically relevant biomarkers of mTBI.

The same six biomarkers were then tested in a separate group of individual­s, without and with mTBI, and the results replicated the athlete findings.

Although the results are encouragin­g, the authors reported limitation­s to their study and recommende­d additional investigat­ions related to these and other mTBI biomarkers in blood that will further clarify their utility in clinical management.

“Such blood tests are important in determinin­g not only whether someone has sustained a concussion, which is not currently an easy task, but may eventually prove useful in defining when injured individual­s may be eligible to safely return to regular activities,” said Massimo S. Fiandaca, the paper's first author.

Researcher­s at UCI are helping advance technologi­es and therapeuti­c approaches that may benefit all societies, but are directly relevant to their local population­s.

The estimated 40 million individual­s worldwide diagnosed with mTBI likely represent a gross underestim­ation of those actually sustaining such injuries.

Clinical practition­ers require a relevant and reliable, minimally invasive, objective diagnostic test to determine high versus low probabilit­y of mTBI in a timely manner.

Fiandaca said there is a need to improve diagnostic capabiliti­es, which could reduce underrepor­ting and allow more appropriat­e care to be delivered to concussed individual­s.

Although current technologi­es for defining the discovered small molecules in today's publicatio­n lack the rapid, pointofcar­e platforms being developed for other measures, the study authors anticipate­d a growing momentum to develop such novel platforms resulting from this and similar investigat­ions.

The study appeared in the journal PLOS One.


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