The Asian Age

‘ Working out as teenager keeps women from shrinking later’


Working out as a teenager may help women avoid shrinking in older age, a new study suggest.

Some shrinking is a normal part of aging, but women can lose up to two inches of height between the ages of 30 and 70.

More importantl­y, the more someone shrinks, the higher their risks of breaking bones are and that, in turn, is linked to an earlier death.

This is particular­ly worrisome for women, who are more prone than their male counterpar­ts to osteoporos­is, or weak bones.

Women who worked out strenuousl­y as teenagers are less likely to shrink when they get older, a new University of Buffalo study reveals

Women who worked out hard in their younger years, however, were less likely to shrink or to shrink as much after menopause, a new University of Buffalo study found.

No matter how tall we stand, we will all eventually shrink at least a little bit.

Over the courses of their lives, men shrink an average of 1.3 inches, and women lose about an inch- and- a- half.

Shrinking happens as the vertebrae of the spine get dehydrated.

More than half of Americans over 50 develop osteoporos­is, a degenerati­ve disease that weakens bones over time. This condition coupled with the effects of gravity and aging push us downward.

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