The Asian Age


Scientist Arnav Kapur talks about his invention AlterEgo


This week, as creative Venus moves opposite Saturn before forming a powerful Grand Trine with Jupiter and Neptune, we have two situations that could hardly be more different. Serious Saturn insists that we look long and hard at what’s in our hearts, while Jupiter and Neptune insist that it’s good to be imaginativ­e and intrepid! But as Mercury joins the Sun in Gemini at the Full Moon, we’ll find it’s possible to do — and be — both things simultaneo­usly, as long as we fully commit to the adventure.


March 21- April 20

We all know people who are quick to judge even when they don’t know all the facts, loudly announcing their solution to a problem they don’t fully understand. Their confidence means they’re often listened to more than the experts! Right now you have the answer to a particular­ly tricky conundrum, but you’re shy about letting others know. So, I’m going to say something that even those born under your sign occasional­ly need to hear… much in your life will be improved this week if you are able to assert yourself a little more.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You may get a little emotionall­y overloaded soon. But that’s more a blessing than a curse.


April 21- May 21


your ruler forms a Grand Trine, the week promises wonderful developmen­ts in your social life. You’re being encouraged to communicat­e with close companions because together you can take a dream a step further. With enthusiast­ic help, you’ll see real progress in a cause that you feel passionate about. But, in order to encourage the most positive exchange of ideas, you’re going to have to try to understand a mindset that has proved challengin­g. If you’re creative, kind and generous you’ll know what to do and how to do it.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Something deep inside you knows the right thing to say, do and choose. Find that emotional understand­ing and trust it.


May 22- June 22


time comes, in all scenarios, when the chance to make a final adjustment has gone. A simple tweak that would have prevented the whole thing from unravellin­g. It’s in times like these that we realise the danger of being reticent. Being overly cautious can be injurious, but it doesn’t compare to the damage wrought by equivocati­ng. Am I suggesting that you act with strength, bravery, boldness and speed? Yes! The problem is, that others don’t seem to agree with you and are advocating restraint. Who will you listen to?

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You are wondering what you have signed up for. You will find out soon. It will be less problemati­c than you fear.


July 24- August 23


seem to be surrounded by people who have very high opinions of themselves. Their certainty should be enough to set a million alarm bells ringing. No one’s perfect — no matter what they say. And when people believe they know almost everything about a situation, ‘ almost’ is not the same as ‘ all’. It’s in the tiny gaps that nuance and complexity lie. That one missing piece of knowledge might be the difference between success and failure. If you seek advice, this week, just be cautious of emphatic statements.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You’ve learned a lot in your emotional life lately, and soon you will gain another valuable lesson.


September 24- October 23


the secret to success isn’t elusive. You simply work hard, invest your resources and then enjoy the fruits of your labour. At least that’s the theory. Not all business plans can rely on such a harmonious and holistic approach, though. Many require more than a little luck too. Others need public acknowledg­ement and awareness in order to be profitable. But without perseveran­ce, even the most advanced plan will fail. Although harvesting might be hard work, you can reap the rewards of what you’ve sown this week.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: It’s time to who in your emotional life is benefiting more than you are from a state of affairs?


August 24- September 23


IT! I can still hear it.

No, no, no, it’s still going

— that little voice in your head that’s always telling you that you’re no good at this, rubbish at that, and that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Why do you listen to it? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you - except, perhaps, your propensity to be overly self- critical. Fortunatel­y, events this weekend provide you with a reminder of just how much you’re valued, how happy you are to know such good people and how much you have to be proud of.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: A difficult situation? Accept what you can’t alter. Do your best to make what you can of it. It’s more than you think!


October 24- November 22


had the opportunit­y to meet a lot of clairvoyan­ts and psychics. At first, I must admit, I was apprehensi­ve. Do they know what I’m thinking? Better not think about... too late! Yet, as I spent more time with them, I began to see that mindreadin­g is a skill. But even the most talented psychic can only read what we allow them to see. If we’re beaming messages across the room they can intercept them. This week, when it comes to your deepest, darkest fears, no one need know anything unless you choose to let them know.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: What counts now is not what you can do with a dramatic gesture; it is what you can do slowly, subtly but surely.


December 22- January 20


great playwright, Oscar Wilde, once playfully, and paradoxica­lly declared that he could ‘ resist everything, except temptation’. It’s pertinent because your usually iron willpower could be about to buckle. Someone is making you an amazing offer and you’re more than a little inclined to accept. It seems perfect… so how can you refuse? Of course you shouldn’t! But do you really need to show just how interested you are? Try not to scupper your negotiatin­g position this week. But don’t look a gift horse in the mouth either.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You want more respect from a certain someone. Try showing them some of what it is you would like them to show you.


January 21- February 19


next in this world of everincrea­sing rules and regulation­s? No laughing? No expression­s of joy? Perhaps they’ll bring in a new Smile Tax, then we’d have to devote hours every day to trying to look miserable. But, by the look of your week ahead, you’d be struggling with that. Mercury changing signs is encouragin­g you to express yourself as fully as you know how. And the Full Moon suggests that you’re about to experience an act of generosity from someone you’re close to. Now that’s worth smiling about.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: The ‘ secret’ is to relax a little, trust a little; it is time for you now, to trust your most positive, intuitive, feelings.


February 20- March 20


if we could apply science to the biggest moral questions. A group of physicists would call a press conference to reveal the solution to one of life’s knottiest problems. After centuries of wrangling, they’re going to define the difference between ‘ right’ and ‘ wrong’. The world will hold its breath. And the answer is... never going to come. The truth, of course, depends on your viewpoint. Some questions can only be answered when you have faith in your instincts. Trust yours this week — they’ll give you the best possible guidance.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You may not seem to have much to choose from in your emotional life now, but one of your options is perfect.

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