The Asian Age

Priyanka Chopra apologises over Quantico Hindu terror plot

Actor said she is a proud Indian and that will never change

- — AFP

New Delhi: Superstar Priyanka Chopra apologised on Sunday after a furore over a US TV series that showed her uncovering a terror plot hatched by Indian Hindu nationalis­ts.

The episode of spy thriller Quantico showed Chopra’s character, an FBI agent named Alex Parrish, thwarting the plan and noticing one of the terrorists wearing a Hindu rosary.

The terrorists had tried to frame Pakistanis for the attack planned ahead of a summit on Kashmir, a disputed Himalayan territory that arch- rivals India and Pakistan claim as their own.

Kashmir has been a source of historical tension between the nucleararm­ed neighbours who have fought two wars over it. The episode, aired on June 1, triggered outrage in India with many fans taking to social media to “shame” the Indian- born actress and calling her a “traitor”.

Chopra, a former Miss World, said she was “a proud Indian and that will never change”.

“I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of

Quantico,” Chopra, 35, wrote on Twitter. “That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise.”

ABC Studios, the producers of the crime drama, have also offered an apology while defending Chopra who is the lead actor of the show.

“The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it,” US media quoted the studio as saying in a statement. “The show has featured antagonist­s of many different ethnicitie­s and background­s, but in this case we inadverten­tly and regrettabl­y stepped into a complex political issue. It was certainly not our intention to offend anyone.” Chopra has been trolled on Twitter since the telecast and a street protest was also held in New Delhi on Saturday by a fringe Hindu outfit that demanded she be sent to Pakistan as a punishment.

“Sell outs like her are an insult to India. She consciousl­y consented for the act. Shame,” tweeted Jagriti Shukla, a journalist. The government “should cancel @ priyankach­opra passport & should not allow her to enter our nation... Let her stay in Hollywood & lick Pakistan boots. Traitor,” Sumit Kadel, a film critic, said on the micro- blogging site.

Chopra, the first Indian to headline a US network series, is hugely popular among Indian fans.

I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico. That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise — Priyanka Chopra, Actor

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