The Asian Age

Mini Neandertha­l brains grown in US lab


Washington, July 1: Scientists have successful­ly grown pea- size versions of Neandertha­ls’ brains, an advance that may help better understand the species that went extinct about 40,000 years ago.

Cultivatin­g and studying these mini brains may reveal why Neandertha­ls died out and Homo sapiens went on to conquer much of the planet, researcher­s said.

Genetic difference­s between Neandertha­l and human brains may explain their demise and our success, said Alysson Muotri, director of the University of California, San Diego ( UCSD).

It is possible that humans achieved great technologi­cal advancemen­ts because we have sophistica­ted neural networks, while Neandertha­ls didn’t, Muotri said.

“Neandertha­ls are fascinatin­g because they shared Earth with us, and there is now genetic evidence we actually bred with them,” Muotri was quoted as saying by Live Science.

Researcher­s compared the genome of Neandertha­ls with that of modern humans. Out of 200 candidate genes that showed significan­t difference­s between the two species, the researcher­s decided to focus one a gene expression regulator known as NOVA1.

NOVA1 is highly expressed during neurodevel­opment and has been linked to neural conditions, such as autism and schizophre­nia, Muotri said.

Scientists have already grown mini human organs, known as organoids, in the lab. To grow mini Neandertha­l brains, they used the gene- editing tool known as CRISPR to “Neandertha­lise” human pluripoten­t stem cells, or immature cells that can develop into any cell in the body, she said.

Then, using their inhouse protocol, “we coaxed the stem cells to become a brain organoid,” a process that takes between six and eight months, Muotri said.

Fully grown, the Neanderoid­s measure about 0.2 inches in size, “so you can actually see them with the naked eye once they are mature,” he said.

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