The Asian Age

Taking photos can impair memory of events


Los Angeles, July 1: Taking photograph­s for Instagram or Snapchat to document and remember a memorable experience may be counterpro­ductive, say scientists who found that the act of clicking pictures impairs people’s memories of the event.

“People think that taking a photo will help them remember something better, but it’s actually quite the contrary,” said Julia Soares, doctoral student at University of California, Santa Cruz.

In a set of experiment­s, researcher­s invited people to a virtual museum tour where they looked at paintings on computer screens, knowing they would be tested on what they saw.

Researcher­s compared how well participan­ts remembered the paintings following three scenarios: when they just looked at the images; when they looked and took pictures using a camera phone; and when they took pictures using Snapchat.

The picture- takers consistent­ly scored worse — by as much as 20 per cent - on multiple choice tests about what they had seen.

Soares thought that the result could be chalked up to the phenomenon known as “cognitive offloading” — that is, not rememberin­g as well because you know the camera will remember.

Even people who took pictures using Snapchat — in which images last 10 seconds — remembered less. People who were asked to take a picture and then delete the image, also did worse.

“Whenever they used a camera, they were less likely to remember as well as when they just observed,” Soares said.

By stepping out of the moment to take a picture, people become less focused on what’s in front of them, a phenomenon Soares termed “attentiona­l disengagem­ent.”

Taking photos might also create a false sense that we know the subject better than we actually do — what she calls a “metacognit­ive illusion” — making us less likely to use the mental s t r a t e g i e s that help us remember.

Ironically, most of the photo- takers were sure that taking pictures improved their recall, Soares said.

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