The Asian Age

How to tackle runner’s knee


QI am 40- year- old suffering from runner’s knee? Is it serious? Must I stop my sports activities?

— Rukaiya Dalal

Runner’s knee is very commonly seen in those who are in active sports. It can be managed with physiother­apy and special cross- training activities, medication and vitamin D supplement­s. Surgery is needed in very rare cases and depends on clinical evaluation. You may have difficulty in walking up and down the stairs; appropriat­e physiother­apy will help.

— Dr Aditya Kapoor senior consultant orthopaedi­c, joint replacemen­t and trauma surgeon

Q During my routine health checkup, I was asked to get a Pap smear test. Is it important that I take this test?

— Anonymous

Pap smear is a screening procedure for cervical cancer ( cervix is the opening of the uterus). It tests for the presence of precancero­us or cancerous cells in the cervix. It is recommende­d that the screening be done every three years, beginning at the age of 21 till the age of 65. This procedure can be done at the doctor’s office. Cells from your cervix are gently scraped and then sent to lab to be tested for abnormalit­y. If your results are normal, it means no abnormal cells were identified. If the results are abnormal, this doesn’t mean you have cancer. It simply means that there are abnormal cells in your cervix, some of which could be precancero­us. There are several levels of abnormal cells — atypia, mild, moderate and severe dysplasia and carcinoma in situ. Depending on these cells, your doctor may recommend increased frequency of pap smears, colposcopy and/ or biopsy.

Pap smear is a very accurate test. It can be uncomforta­ble but the brief discomfort can help protect your health.

— Dr Suneetha Kumari Putchla consultant gynecologi­st

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