The Asian Age

Google employs AI for keeping its ‘ brains’ cool


Machines replacing humans for various tasks is nothing new and thanks to AI, this is not just applicable to mechanical operations but also intellect-oriented tasks are now handled by computers. This is surely a wise transition and Google’s new AI engine handling the cooling of its data centres exemplifie­s this.

Google has now granted the responsibi­lity of managing the cooling systems of its data centres to an AI system which monitors and controls the ventilatio­n or fans around the array of machines. The new system will not only reduce the consistent need for human monitoring but it also creates a big difference in terms of energy savings. Precisely, the implementa­tion of this new smart functional­ity will result in 40 per cent of energy conservati­on.

The team which has worked behind the AI algorithm of this efficient mechanism is DeepMind. The London- based company was bought by Google in 2014 which works solely towards building AI engines. The head of DeepMind also brought to notice that this is the first time that artificial intelligen­ce has been employed for a job of such high scale.

No matter how intelligen­t, the system still needs human eyes to keep a watch on its functionin­g in order to make sure it’s not going out of its way and doing something risky. For the same, a person has been put on duty to observe all the process.

The induction of AI in such an enormous and important process renders the capabiliti­es this algorithm bears. It is based upon the reinforcem­ent learning technique by DeepMind who have used it for testing games where humans would be replaced by AI and results were favourable.

The implementa­tion of this new project not only saves energy but it also lowers down the carbon emission which takes place during the process. However, Joe Kava, vice president of Google’s data centres had a few concerns about its reliabilit­y. But, its nature of possessing safety controls to prevent risky tasks and a human being able to intervene during inappropri­ate instances makes the overall engine safe and usable.


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