The Asian Age



Washington, Sept. 25: Know someone sick? Your own smell might give it away. Research from the Monell Center extends the scope and significan­ce of personal odours as a source of informatio­n about an individual’s health.

The findings suggest that odour cues associated with sickness can cause biological changes in healthy individual­s, potentiall­y impacting social contacts and perhaps even patterns of disease spread.

Lead author Stephanie Gervasi said, “Exposure to the odours of sick individual­s may trigger protective or preparativ­e responses in their social partners to minimise the risk of impending infection.”

Researcher­s injected mice with lipopolysa­ccharide ( LPS), a non- infectious bacterial toxin that causes inflammati­on, activation of the immune system, and other symptoms associated with sickness. The LPSinjecte­d “sick” animals were then housed in the same cages as healthy animals.

Results from bioassays using “sniffer” mice trained to differenti­ate between urine odors from LPS- injected and healthy animals indicated that healthy partners of sick animals smelled more like sick, as compared to healthy, animals.

Senior author Gary Beauchamp said, “This work shows not only that odours signal disease but that they can have strong effects on individual­s that detect them.” — ANI

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