The Asian Age

Talks with Pakistan a weapon, use it wisely

- Pavan K. Varma The writer, an author and former diplomat, is a member of the JD(U). The views expressed are personal.

Speaking recently at the Kautilya Internatio­nal Foundation in New Delhi, I said that Chanakya should be mandatory reading for all diplomats. In saying this I was not only paying tribute to the author of the world’s first substantiv­e treatise on statecraft, the Arthashast­ra, written sometime around 150 CE, a millennium and a half before Machiavell­i wrote The Prince in the 16th century CE. I believe that the Arthashast­ra is essential reading because, even if things have changed greatly by now, the treatise contains essential lessons about the conduct of diplomacy and war that are surprising­ly relevant today.

The first thing Chanakya stresses on is clarity of objective. That clarity can only be arrived at by unemotiona­l appraisal and a rigorous applicatio­n of mind. If we conflate this advice with the present, what it means for India is a clear understand­ing that we face two — not one — endemicall­y hostile states on our northern border — Pakistan and China. Our objective must be to deal with them in a manner where our national interests are served and we can adequately protect our sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity.

The recent veto by China on the UN’s banning of Masood Azhar, and our reaction to it, presents a good example of what is realistic appraisal. Pakistan and China are “all-weather friends”, and will unhesitati­ngly collude with each other against us. We should, therefore, have expected that China will not forsake Pakistan. Once this was clear, our diplomatic reaction should have been threefold. One, we should have dispensed with expending so much energy in persuading China to change its decision. Two, we should have devalued the dividends of a ban by the UN, and stressed that India is prepared to fight its battles alone in the goal to eradicate internatio­nal terrorism. After all, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba chief Hafiz Saeed, has been designated an internatio­nal terrorist by the UN, but roams around free in Pakistan pursuing his terrorist activities. And, third, instead of lamely expressing “disappoint­ment” when China did use its veto, issued a bold statement condemning China for being an accessory to global terrorism.

Chanakya stated that once the objective is clearly defined, it can be pursued by several means. These means are essentiall­y four: sama, dama, danda, bheda — reconcilia­tion, inducement, deterrent action and subversion. There is also a lesser known fifth instrument — asana — or the strategic art of deliberate­ly sitting on the fence. Each tactic has a definite use. All instrument­s can be used collective­ly or individual­ly or in combinatio­n. There is never a situation of either-or. Each situation merits a careful applicatio­n of the instrument(s) required.

I sometimes feel that Pakistan and China have mastered Chanakya better than we have. Pakistan uses a well-tried policy of aggression (danda) followed by appeasemen­t (sama). This was demonstrat­ed clearly in the Pulwama attack, and the events that followed it. First, Pakistan used the terrorist organisati­on, Jaish, to inflict unacceptab­le casualties on a CRPF convoy through a suicide bomber. Immediatel­y thereafter, PM Imran Khan issued a conciliato­ry statement inviting India for talks. Pakistan is adept also in the policy of subversion (bheda). The ISI has successful­ly recruited local Indians to further its proxy terrorist war against India. Its covert infrastruc­ture within India is widespread and it can activate sleeper cells at will within our borders.

China, too, is a past master in Chanakyan politics. It engages with India (sama), but never loses sight of its principal goal of containing India (danda). Only such a policy can explain the major Chinese military incursion in Chumar in Ladakh even as President Xi Jin Ping was on a state visit to India in September 2014.

Following Pulwama, our precision airstrike against Jaish terrorist bases in Balakot is a good example of the correct use of Chanakyan principles. It must be remembered that Chanakya privileged peace over war. War, he said, must be the last option, when no other means allow coexistenc­e with dignity. In response to the magnitude of the Pulwama attack, and the ceaseless use by Pakistan of terrorism against us, restraint at any cost was not commensura­te with national dignity. The airstrike on Balakot was clearly the need of the hour. But, since our aim was not war, it was good that the air strike was calibrated to be only against terrorist bases, avoiding military installati­ons or inflicting civilian casualties.

Chanakyan politics is clear in its goal, but strategica­lly supple. I am, therefore, surprised when I hear statements from people that India must never agree to talks with

Chanakyan politics is clear in its goal, but strategica­lly supple. I am, therefore, surprised when I hear statements from people that India must never agree to talks with Pakistan.

Pakistan. Any one cognisant with Chanakya’s thinking will know that talks are a means to an end, and not an end in themselves. Pakistan is a neighbour. We cannot say that we will never talk to it. What we need to understand is that talks must take place at an agenda and time of our choosing, as part of our strategic matrix, and without nullifying other instrument­s at our disposal to deal with Pakistan.

There is much else, too, to learn from Chanakya. He stresses on the importance of a clear line of command and control. National interest, he says, is best pursued by the deft use of diplomacy, defence preparedne­ss, and intelligen­ce gathering. All three are important, and no one can be a substitute for the other. Success in war and diplomacy is dependent on inner strength, which he defines as an adequate treasury, a harmonious countrysid­e, and a strong army. He focuses, too, on the art of making and cultivatin­g allies, and negotiatin­g treaties. A key factor is a deep study of the workings of the enemy state. (In this context, it is a pity that the Policy Planning Division in our foreign office is more or less defunct). Good counsel (mantra) is pivotal, and the King (in current times the government) should make institutio­nal arrangemen­ts to receive it. War, when necessary, can be of four types: war by counsel (mantra yuddha), open war (prakash yuddha), psychologi­cal war (kuta yuddha), and clandestin­e war (guda yuddha).

We may have taken decisive action in attacking Balakot, but often our strategic responses are reactive rather than proactive, ad hoc, lacking in anticipati­on, and waffling. This is unfortunat­e for a nation that produced some two millennium ago a genius in statecraft like Chanakya.

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