The Asian Age

Powerful mantras to keep you happy


To celebrate Internatio­nal Happiness Day on March 20, a number of experts were interviewe­d to find out how embracing optimism can boost your wellbeing and promote positivity…

Studies have shown that optimism reduces feelings of sadness and anxiety, and can increase your lifespan.

Here’s how you can boost your happiness by focusing on the good stuff…

Stop labelling yourself

You may think of yourself as a glass half full or glass half empty kind of person, but this black and white thinking can be harmful.

“The world isn’t divided into pessimists and optimists,”' explains EmmaSue Prince, a behavioura­l expert and author.

“We each have the capacity to be optimistic and passionate about life.”

Thinking positively can reduce stress and anxiety. Everyday optimism

“Optimism doesn’t mean you ignore life’s stressors, you just approach hardship in a more productive way,” says psychother­apist Kimberly Hershenson.

“Constructi­ng an optimistic vision of life allows you to live well, in spite of unfortunat­e circumstan­ces.”

According to studies, 75% of our personal success is tied to how we process the world.

Optimism reduces feelings of sadness and anxiety, increases your lifespan, fosters stronger relationsh­ips with others, and provides a coping skill during times of hardship.

It also allows you to handle stressful situations better, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body.

Try rethinking events in a more positive light.

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Try this…

If you feel bogged down by negative thoughts, take a moment to visualise one meaningful thing that happened today.

It could be something small, such as a good chat, or someone holding the door open for you.

“In two minutes, write down every detail you can remember as a series of bullet points, from what was said, to the weather or the colour of the jumper you were wearing,” says Shawn Achor, founder of The Institute For Applied Positive Research.

Mentally reliving the experience stamps it as a meaningful event in your brain.

It’s not just about positive thinking

When things aren’t going our way, it’s easy to put our energy into the things we can’t control — things like a big bill, or that irritating person in the family — but the more energy we place into those things, the more miserable we feel.

“One of the biggest things you can do is to cultivate self-awareness,” says the behavioura­l expert.

“That means being able to accurately assess a situation, differenti­ate between facts and feelings and have faith in your own ability to move forward constructi­vely. Get into the habit of focusing on the one thing you can always control in a bad situation, and that is your response,” she says.

“By doing this we actually often end up influencin­g our situation for the better and can experience far more happiness as a result.”

Check your thoughts

Positive reframing is the simplest technique of all it's the process of rethinking events in a more optimistic light.

Psychiatri­st Dr Aparna Iyer says, “If a client expresses that an entire day was ruined because it was dark or rainy outside, I would challenge them to focus on what may have been gained during that time.

Often, they will say they did spend time indoors relaxing, reading or cuddling up with someone they love.

After a while, looking at situations through a positive lens will become effortless, resulting in a more automatic and optimistic frame of mind.

Every day, think of three things you’re grateful for and why.

They don’t need to be new things each day and can be small, such as a family member giving you a hug or a nice change in the weather.

“Gratitude changes your outlook. We construct our view of the world based on the facts we have, and if you're fixated on the negative, you have a negative world,” says Shawn.

Surround yourself with people who make you happy

Ditch the ‘Negative


We’ve all got that friend who does nothing but moan, and it’s hard not to join in, but it’s unlikely to make us feel good.

Negativity can be contagious, so take a look at the people you spend time with — it might not be possible to remove pessimisti­c people from your life entirely, but try to balance them out with those whose energy is upbeat.

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