The Asian Age

Leafy greens keep your vision sharp for longer


London, March 23: There are a number of changes that can be made to keep eyes in their best shape so your vision stays sharper for longer.

Millions of people will suffer from sight problems, ranging from minor issues including red eye to more serious conditions such as glaucoma.

A regular dose of vitamin A can help keep eyes in peak condition. A regular dose of vitaminA can keep your hard-working peepers in peak condition.

While it is great to pack meals full of leafy greens such as spinach and kale, spices including paprika, red pepper, cayenne and chilli powder are also a decent source of vitaminA.

Keep your waist trim. Being able to see your toes over your tummy will keep your eyes on their feet longer.

A healthy diet is important to your vision because it reduces your risk of obesity, which in turn lowers your risk of diabetes.

It can cause a problem known as diabetic retinopath­y, which damages blood vessels at the back of the eye.

Dry eye is a common and uncomforta­ble condition, particular­ly among those aged over 65, and it is made worse by cranking up the heating.

It occurs when your eyes do not make enough tears.

Although it is not serious it can make your eyes feel irritated or itchy.

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