The Asian Age



Q I am a 48-year-old type 2 diabetic with stage 3 chronic kidney disease. My creatinine is 2.2, urine protein is 127mg/24 hours and urinary creatinine is 45.4mg/100ml. My haemoglobi­n is 14.2, blood sugar fasting - 127 and PP - 240. I had taken a lot of painkiller­s in my earlier days, which might be causing my kidney failure now. I am also having gout. Do I need dialysis? — Veera Reddy

You do have stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) characteri­sed by irreversib­le loss of approximat­ely 60% of kidney function at your age. To ascertain the exact cause of CKD and also know about the severity of the disease process, one would need to perform a kidney biopsy. The focus should remain on strict blood pressure control, avoiding exposure to potential kidney toxic medication­s like Voveran and Nimulid and close monitoring and treatment of CKD complicati­ons like anaemia and bone disease. The goal is to delay the progressio­n to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), the stage characteri­sed by dialysis requiremen­t once there is a loss of >90% of normal kidney function.

— Dr P. Vikranth Reddy, Consultant Nephrologi­st

Q I was diagnosed with oral herpes two years back. I still feel a tingling and burning sensation around and on my lips every day. What can I do to cure it? — Anonymous

Herpes simplex infection is generally acquired in childhood. Physical and mental stress, the menstrual cycle and exposure to too much sunlight can all aggravate the simplex to flare up repeatedly. Avoiding the precipitat­ing factors and taking care of general health will prevent repeated recurrence­s. However, if the infection persists, acyclovir therapy may be given to suppress the virus for longer periods of time.

— Dr Man Mohan Gavvala, Senior Consultant Dermatolog­ist

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