The Asian Age



Zangoora, Kingdom of Dreams, is India's answer to Broadway. Zangoora the Gypsy Prince is a huge Bollywood musical. Introducin­g a brand new genre of entertainm­ent where storytelli­ng, Bollywood style song and dance meet stagecraft and technical wizardry — and that too like never seen before.

September 10 onwards, 2.30pm Kingdom Of Dreams: Gurugram

5G and US China


Conflict: The talk will outline what is 5G and why it is important from an economic and security perspectiv­e. It will then survey the strengths of key technology suppliers in 5G. And then, some of US Govt. policy initiative­s and the responses from around the world. September 23, 6.30pm onwards, India Internatio­nal Centre, Lodhi Road

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