The Asian Age

4 cops killed in Paris police HQ

■ THE ATTACKER was shot dead by the police in the courtyard of the building where he was employed ■ INVESTIGAT­ORS suspect a workplace dispute sparked the attack


Paris, Oct. 3: A man wielding a knife stabbed and killed four officers at the police headquarte­rs in the heart of Paris on Thursday, before being shot dead.

The premises were cordoned off after the lunchtime attack in the historic centre of Paris, usually buzzing with tourists, and a dozens of police and emergency vehicles had converged at the scene. At least one metro station near the building, which is close to Notre-Dame cathedral and other tourist attraction­s, was closed.

Sources said the attacker was shot dead by police in the courtyard of the building, where he was employed.

The man worked in an administra­tive capacity but it was not immediatel­y clear what his precise work role was. An emergency message was broadcast over loudspeake­rs at the courthouse next door, announcing “an attack” at the police headquarte­rs and stating the area was “under surveillan­ce”. Interior minister Chris-tophe Castaner, who was due to visit Turkey later on Thursday, postponed his trip to visit the scene of the attack.

“People were running everywhere, there was crying everywhere,” said Emery Siamandi, and interprete­r who was in the building when the attack happened.

“I heard a shot, I gathered it was inside,” he told AFP. “Moments later, I saw police officers crying. They were in a panic.” Investigat­ors suspect a workplace dispute sparked the deadliest attack on police in France in years, sources said, but there were no immediate further details.

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