The Asian Age


- Stuart Jeffries By arrangemen­t with the Spectator

The Dominican friar Henry Suso was once carving Jesus’s name in his chest with a knife when he noticed a puppy playing nearby. Seeing the little dog amusing itself with a dirty cloth gave the friar an epiphany. Suso realised that redemption is granted not to those who mortify their flesh — for to do so is merely to glorify oneself. Rather, one shows love for God by living in grace, simplicity and sportive celebratio­n of the world. Like dogs.

Those who have seen dogs in action might well demur. Once, in a pub, I was giggling with a friend as the publican’s Welsh spaniel humped the leg of a man at the bar. ‘More drinks?’, my friend asked. As she placed the order, the spaniel transferre­d his allegiance to her leg. This is what dogs are like: they roll in poo, shed, dribble, fart and perform disgusting sex acts even if you shout at them to stop. We have nothing to learn from them, unless importunin­g strangers in the most offensive manner possible is admirable. Which it isn’t.

The philosophe­r Mark Alizart’s delightful little book, though, argues that dogs teach us what we should have taken, but most likely didn’t, from the Stoics, Spinoza and Buddhism — namely that wisdom consists in accommodat­ing ourselves to what life has to offer.

Alizart invites us to appreciate dogs’ ‘dialectica­l nature’, by which he means they are half civilised, half wild, ‘with a foot in each world’. La Fontaine’s fable The Wolf and the Dog depicts the former as wild and free, the latter as stupid and servile. The anarchist Mikhail Bakunin proposed that dogs should be freed from their masters even against their will. What nonsense, counters Alizart: dogs have developed a successful evolutiona­ry survival strategy, soft-pedaling their savagery (no rolling back of whisker pads to show teeth, for instance) and divining human intention by observing our scleras (not even monkeys can read the whites of human eyes and thus tell which way we’re looking), even appearing interested while we read them the paper. The result? There are hundreds of millions of exemplars of man’s best friend while only a few thousand wolves, one-time rulers of the world’s forests, remain.

Why don’t we learn to live as dogs? This is where Alizart is most convincing. Our planetary despoliati­on may land us in a post-apocalypti­c world reminiscen­t of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. After the canned goods have run out, we will need to live off scraps, adapt to the environmen­t, live in pain. Dogs have done all these. And yet they have risen above misfortune. Alone among domesticat­ed animals, they meet their fate with nonchalanc­e. While circus animals often become melancholy or mad, dogs live by Droopy’s catchphras­e: ‘You know what? I’m happy.’

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