The Asian Age

Fortune cookie Positive surprises lie ahead


TAURUS April 21-May 21

H oroscopes and astrologic­al forecasts don’t have fairytale endings. Life never reaches a point when we can honestly say that anyone just lives ‘happily ever after’. Like the planetary influences that affect our lives, difficulti­es and challenges come and go. The optimistic approach is to hope that one issue resolves before another begins. As Mercury links to your ruling planet, Venus, even if you can’t expect to find a perfect solution to a current struggle, you can expect to see significan­t improvemen­t this week.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: If you open your heart to new experience­s this week, the universe will deliver a surprising gift.

GEMINI May 22-June 22

W here are you supposed to find a wish-granting fairy when you need one? Apparently, they’re all partying at a festival and dancing in the moonlight somewhere in the ethers. That’s why you’re not getting the help you need. Yet your ruler’s link to Venus reveals that the party venue is in the exact place that you’ve been avoiding. This week it’s time to stop procrastin­ating. If you do what you need to do, you’ll find all the help you need… and the sense of satisfacti­on will make you want to dance too.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Plant the right kind of seeds and your emotional life can flourish. Tend new growth, it will lead to a bountiful harvest.

With Mercury turning retrograde later this week, we’d expect to experience communicat­ion challenges; it heralds a time for renegotiat­ion, and analysis of where things have gone wrong. But the planet of communicat­ion’s link with Venus suggests that even if agreement is hard to find, easier paths towards peaceful resolution­s can be initiated. The New Moon opposite Uranus suggests the emergence of new, brilliant and innovative ideas. As long as we act considerat­ely, there are pleasantly positive surprises ahead.


WJune 23-July 23

hat can you do when you want to get off a train which has already left the station? If you push the emergency button you’ll make everyone unhappy; and you can’t just open the door and get off. You have no choice but to look ahead and wait for it the next stop. So, until the train pulls up at the platform, you might as well lighten up and enjoy the ride. The New Moon promises that if you relax and enjoy the inevitable this week, you’ll discover that you like where you’re heading, and how you’re getting there.


It's time for a serious talk. Stop feeling nervous. A truly joyous change can occur and a fresh start made.

LEO July 24-August 23

T ry as hard as you like, but it’s impossible to be in two places at the same time. You know this of course! I don’t want to insult your intelligen­ce by stating the obvious. But even though you ‘know’ this in your mind, your heart is telling you something different. It doesn’t (and shouldn’t) follow rational arguments. But when you are in one place and wishing you were in another, you can’t be happy. This week, the New Moon encourages you to ‘whole-heartedly’ approach decisions and enjoy whatever option you choose.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Use your gift of charm on someone you care deeply about. The most nurturing philosophy has the lightest of touches.


DLIBRA VIRGO August 24-September 23

W hen Mercury, your ruling planet, turns retrograde two or three times a year, it blesses you with opportunit­ies to reflect, review and revisit your past. This week, as the planet of communicat­ion approaches it’s backwards movement through the skies, it brings a chance to change a recent decision which you’re beginning to regret. You may find that you can revoke it completely and move on to something else entirely. But if you decide to go ahead, new insight will enable you to speed up the process and see results.


SCORPIO October 24-November 22

W hen something really needs to happen, there is always a way to make it happen. Even if it’s not obvious, if you’re determined, and carry on looking, you’ll find a way. On the other hand, there’s a possibilit­y that what you think needs to happen doesn’t need to happen after all! The New Moon in your sign brings the insight to assess whether or not you’ve overreacte­d to a situation. If you have, you can easily adapt your behaviour. If you haven’t, you’ll have the energy to move forward with great success.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Here comes your chance to remember what you feel deep down. Set your feelings free. Acting on them will be liberating.

November 23-December 21

id you say that you want to be living an easy life? No way! That’s just one of the things you say when you’re over-tired. You’d be bored crazy if things were running along on an even keel. If your fairy godmother was to grant your wish, you’d be seeking out excitement and challenges before she’d disappeare­d in a puff of smoke. Some dreams are better off staying in the virtual world. The powerful New Moon recharges your batteries and gives you the boost required to do what you need (and desire) to do.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE:D Opportunit­ies have seemed a little scarce recently. But one is approachin­g; you can spot it. Seize it and make the most of it.

CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

 ??  ?? The heavens are conferring confidence and emotional certainty upon you. Now you can begin to change your world.
The heavens are conferring confidence and emotional certainty upon you. Now you can begin to change your world.
 ??  ?? When you choose to unleash your power, none can resist. Take care how you use it this week.
When you choose to unleash your power, none can resist. Take care how you use it this week.
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