The Asian Age

Will Dec. 12 polls spell a saner future for UK? VANISHING BREED

- The writer is a lawyer and a keen observer of European affairs, and works in the UK and France Charles Marquand

The past fortnight has seen yet more twists and turns in the Brexit saga. The first was the agreement of the United Kingdom and the European Union on an exit deal. This was no surprise. Conservati­ve Prime Minister Boris Johnson simply reverted to an arrangemen­t that the EU had originally offered the former Prime Minister, Theresa May, which she had rejected. It involves Northern Ireland remaining in the EU customs union and single market — to preserve the soft border with the Republic of Ireland — and allowing the rest of the UK, the island of Great Britain, to leave. The practical effect is to place Northern Ireland, an integral part of the UK, under a different legal and regulatory regime from the rest of the country.

More surprising was that this arrangemen­t was agreed, in principle, by the House of Commons, where the Conservati­ves are a minority, by a narrow majority. Yet despite this victory — something which had eluded his predecesso­r — Mr Johnson decided instead to seek an early general election. He wants a stable majority to prevent “his” agreement being amended out of all recognitio­n by Parliament. After some misgivings, the Opposition parties acceded to his request.

The UK now faces a general election on December 12. It is hard to think of a more important election in British political history. Although the outcome may be difficult to predict, it is easy to predict that the result — one or way or another — will fundamenta­lly shape the course of British history for generation­s.

If Mr Johnson’s Conservati­ves win an overall majority, his exit deal will pass. The economic harm caused by Great Britain’s departure from the EU single market and customs union will be, in all likelihood, immense. But the political impact would be no less immense. The sentiment in favour of uniting Northern Ireland with the Republic will be significan­tly strengthen­ed. There is already only a narrow margin in favour of remaining in the UK. It is likely to disappear. Meanwhile, the argument is being powerfully made in Scotland that if Northern Ireland can remain in the EU’s economic structures, why can’t Scotland too. The Scottish National Party, in government in Scotland, has said it will demand another independen­ce referendum. Recent polls suggest that this time the campaign for independen­ce will be victorious. Once Scotland leaves the UK, Wales is unlikely to be far behind.

Such an outcome would be rich in historic irony. The Conservati­ves, or the Conservati­ve and Unionist Party to give them their full title, would have presided over the breakup of the Union; support for which has been virtually their only consistent principle since the party’s creation some 150 years ago.

If, on the other hand, the general election produces another hung Parliament, all kinds of possibilit­ies emerge. The UK could remain in the EU customs union and single market. There could be another referendum on whether to leave the EU; and — if the opinion polls are to be believed — the British public could vote to remain. And if the UK remains, although there will still be difficulti­es to overcome, the immediate threat to the country’s well-being will have been averted.

How is it then that the UK has arrived at a juncture where its very existence is potentiall­y at stake? The simple answer is that the Conservati­ve PM David Cameron called the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU because he wanted to kill off the growing hostility to the EU in his party and destroy the growing threat to the right posed by the nationalis­t UK Independen­ce Party. He lost because he led a disastrous campaign, which completely failed to put forward a positive case for Europe. Although ostensibly correct, this explanatio­n ignores the pathology of the Conservati­ve Party.

Deep in the Conservati­ve psyche is the feeling that the Conservati­ve Party is the only legitimate party of government. Other parties when they govern are interloper­s and, somehow, unpatrioti­c, so goes the thinking. This has led to a deep sense that the Conservati­ve Party is more than just a political party. Its fortunes and those of the nation are intimately bound together. Its interests are more than vulgar political ones; they are national interests. It and the nation are one.

It is this pathology which led Mr Cameron to think it acceptable to gamble with the country’s future to resolve his party’s political

It is hard to think of a more important election in British political history. Although the outcome may be difficult to predict, it is easy to predict that the result — one or way or another — will fundamenta­lly shape the course of British history... problems. It is this pathology which caused him to fight a half-hearted campaign, holding back from attacking leave-supporting colleagues. Forget the UK’s future, party unity had to be preserved at all costs. And it is this pathology which has informed the actions of a large segment of the Conservati­ve Party since the referendum.

In the immediate aftermath of the result, there was a window of opportunit­y. Ms May, who became Prime Minister directly after, could have opened out to other political parties to create a national consensus on the way forward. Instead, she prioritise­d keeping the Conservati­ve Party together, by appeasing her party’s Europhobes and shutting out the Opposition.

With a few brave and honourable exceptions, Conservati­ve MPs too have put party loyalty above the national interest. Most of them voted remain in the referendum. Deep down they know what harm Brexit will cause. Yet the vast majority have loyally toed the party line and spouted the party’s propaganda. Like an abused wife who cannot admit that her husband is a brute and that the marriage is over, they continue to believe — deep down — that the Conservati­ve Party is still the only party that can be trusted with the national interest. At each stage of the Conservati­ves’ metamorpho­sis into a nationalis­tic party of the hard right, they have subordinat­ed their own political personalit­ies and meekly submitted.

In the meantime, the political psycho drama continues, and the country has to suffer its consequenc­es. One can only hope that the general election puts the Conservati­ves out of their misery and the country on course for a saner future.

With the demise of veteran CPI leader Gurudas Dasgupta, the Indian trade union movement has lost an icon. Known for his oratorical skills, Dasgupta spent three terms in the Rajya Sabha and two in the Lok Sabha. As general secretary of Aituc, Dasgupta almost singlehand­edly transforme­d the lesser-known trade union into a major force, even surpassing the CPI(M)’s Citu in membership. He is the man who brought unity to all trade unions including BMS and Intuc during the UPA’s tenure and organised a nationwide strike by more than 20 crore workers. His unrelentin­g fight against corruption is an inspiratio­n to all.

Abhijit Roy Jamshedpur

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