The Asian Age

Rail panel chief objects to Khushwant Singh’s ‘obscene’ book at stall

◗ The panel chief directed a book vendor at a station to stop selling the renowned writer’s book Women, Sex, Love and Lust, saying that such ‘obscene’ literature may spoil the future generation


Bhopal, Nov. 20: The chairman of a railway committee on Wednesday directed a book vendor at the city’s railway station to stop selling renowned writer Khushwant

Singh’s book Women, Sex, Love and Lust, saying that such “obscene” literature may spoil the future generation.

He also directed officials to ensure “such obscene things” are not sold at book stalls at Bhopal station.

Ramesh Chandra Ratn, chairman of Railways’ Passenger Services Committee, who was on an inspection drive at the station, spotted late Singh’s novel and another book on preventive measures during pregnancy put on display for sale at a stall.

He immediatel­y asked the vendor to take the books off the shelf.

Mr Ratn also warned him that if such literature is kept on sale in the future, a fine would be imposed.

“This is a multi-purpose stall, so obscene things with such (covers) words should not be displayed. Officials have been cautioned and directed to ensure such obscene things are not sold at the vends,” Mr Ratn told reporters at the station.

On being asked that one of these books belonged to a renowned author, he said, “Look, whosoever may be the writer... I want to inform you all that, according to the by- laws, it is not permissibl­e here. This is a stall of the Railways which runs according to a system.”

“We don’t want to spoil the future generation. Chetan Bhagat, too, is a writer of national fame,” he said.

Two months ago, during an inspection at the New Delhi station, the official had reportedly also objected to Bhagat’s novel Half Girlfriend. — PTI

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