The Asian Age

Earth, water, air, fire, and space

Nature that framed us of four elements, warring within our breasts for regiment, doth teach us all to have aspiring minds. — Niccolo Machiavell­i


Iam no expert at home decor, and neither do I claim to be one, but I do believe in decorating the home or office space with the classical elements — earth, water, air, fire, and space. This is in tandem with our Vedic system that also talks about the five great elements, Bhumi, Jal, Vayu, Agni, and Akash. In the realm of Tarot the minor arcana is categorise­d into four suits and each of these suits correspond with an element. To use these classical events while decorating your home helps to bring balance of these four aspects of self into your everyday life.

The element of Earth represents strength and stability. To bring this element into your home, you could paint the walls in earthy tones. Wood paneling and hardwood floors make for a rustic lodge feel and add the Earth element. Using Himalayan salt lamps and lighting that incorporat­es crystals is another way to bring the earth element into your home decor. Also, try to keep some indoor plants or grow some herbs in your kitchen to bring a slice of nature into your home.

The Water element represents the flow of your life. To incorporat­e elements of water, use different shades of blue in your paint and accent pieces. Incorporat­e water features, such as small fountains and aquariums. Line a mirror in seashells, fill a bowl with driftwood or decorate a moon motif in one or more rooms — after all, the moon phases control the tides and will add a touch of mysticism too.

The Air element is said to represent life. You can incorporat­e this element by ensuring that your home has adequate natural light and is well ventilated. You may burn incense in the rooms to connect with the Air element. The Fire element represents regenerati­on and purificati­on. While it has positive connotatio­ns, its also destructiv­e and volatile. That’s why you may wish to use only subtle tributes to the fire element or you may chose to limit the element to your kitchen space. One of the most straight forward ways to incorporat­e fire into your home decor is by installing a fireplace so as to make it the focal point in the room. If that not possible then, like me, you may fill every available space with candles and diyas.

To add Aether in to your home, you could perhaps have a quiet room or corner where you can practice meditation and feel one with the Source. My dear readers, I wish that you add aspects of the different classic elements into your home decor to achieve balance and restfulnes­s. Once you begin decorating your home within the context of these elements you would feel a significan­t positive change in the energetic flow of your home. If you have a question, Maanya Kohli has an answer. Send us your full name, date of birth and question at and Maanya will answer your question in this column

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