The Asian Age

Fortune cookie A TIME OF OPTIMISM



Although there are challenges ahead, February brings a mixture of optimism, creativity, cooperatio­n and adventure. As Jupiter and Neptune align for the first of three meetings that occur throughout the marathon of 2020, they act as the support team; supplying energy and encouragem­ent as we work our way around the course of tests that the year brings our way. As Mars enters the sign of effort and commitment, it adds a welcome injection of vigour, and the willpower to achieve an impressive goal.


IJune 23-July 23

f your life were reasonable, rational and reliably smooth, you’d be bored senseless! We all need a little bit of chaotic unpredicta­bility in our lives; it brings colour and contrast, danger and depth to our existence. What’s that? You’ve had enough of being pushed to the limit by a series of ridiculous situations? That’s hardly surprising. Fortunatel­y, February brings events that enable you to satisfy your desire for more order and structure. If reassuranc­e is what you’re looking for, that’s what you’ll find.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Be your natural, brilliant self this week. The right person will cotton on and you will be happily surprised at the outcome.

LEO July 24-August 23

I f you’re planning on telling a lie, it’s best to stick as close to the truth as possible. At least, that’s what the experts tell us. Rather than creating an intricate web of deceit, you only need to modify your story where necessary, so that you end up with a slightly altered version of events. But what’s wrong with telling the truth? The only reason for not telling things as they are, is that you feel as if you’ll hurt someone’s feelings by being honest. This month, you gain power by being true to yourself and to others.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Jupiter and Neptune are lining up to lend you a hand. It’s a rare opportunit­y. Everything is in place for you.


SLIBRA October 24-November 22

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Focus on how to benefit a cause. Be committed and you’ll see how making others happy radiates positivity into your life.

November 23-December 21

uppose you were to say out loud what you really want? Clearly express your intentions; and then do everything in your power to reach your objectives. What kind of month would you have? Well… even if you can’t get exactly what you want, exactly when and how you want it, there’s no harm in reaching for the best. As Jupiter, your ruling planet, links with Neptune, they encourage innovative ideas and creative endeavours. February could be the stepping-stone to a much happier future.


VIRGO August 24-September 23

W hat signs and signals are you being sent by the cosmos? Do you need to read between the lines, as you keep an eye on the horizon and decipher the smoke signals? Should you be wary of anything obvious, and focus on solving cryptic clues? Not if you want to make the progress you’re being offered this month! You’re naturally blessed with integrity and common sense. Since February offers opportunit­ies to nurture and trust your instincts, you don’t need to overcompli­cate anything. Simplicity is key.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You don’t need to engage in trickery to catch a certain someone’s attention this week. Lucky stars are on your side.


S kilful marketing teams turn design faults into successes. So, if a toothbrush handle is very short, it will be marketed as a ‘travel toothbrush'. These people are able to make a drawback sound like a bonus feature that makes their product better than the rest. As Jupiter and Neptune align this month, your creative abilities are enhanced. If you needed to sell coals to Newcastle, you could! Even when situations seem to be against you, if you look hard enough, you’ll be able to find hidden advantages.

This week, Jupiter and Neptune are shaping up to give you a wonderful boost. You can break with the past.

CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

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