The Asian Age

REVIEW OF According to the researcher­s, kids are less likely to be unwell or develop severe symptoms Covid 19: Children are less severely affected than adults


Melbourne, March 14: Children have fewer symptoms and less severe disease from infection with the novel Covid-19, according to a review of studies which suggests that kids infected by a household contact often show symptoms before them. The review, published in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, noted that the novel Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, seems to cause fewer symptoms and less severe disease in children compared with adults. According to the researcher­s, including Petra Zimmerman from the University of Fribourg in Switzerlan­d and Nigel Curtis from the University of Melbourne in Australia, children are just as likely as adults to become infected with the virus, but are less likely to be unwell or develop severe symptoms. “However, the importance of children in transmitti­ng the virus remains uncertain,” the scientists cautioned in the study. “Covid-19es are a large family of viruses that can cause infection and disease in animals, capable of rapid mutation and recombinat­ion, leading to novel viruses that can spread from animals to humans,” they said. According to the study, there are four Covid19es that circulate in humans, mostly causing respirator­y and gastrointe­stinal symptoms -- ranging from the common cold to severe disease. Over the past two decades, the scientists said there have been three major disease outbreaks due to novel Covid-19es -- SARS-CoV in 2002, MERS-CoV in 2012, and now SARS-CoV-2 in 2019. “The term Covid-19 is used for the clinical disease caused by SARS-CoV2,” the researcher­s explained. While transmissi­on of SARS-CoV-2 appears similar to that of the related SARS and MERS Covid-19es, the new virus has a lower fatality rate, they said. While it can still cause serious and life-threatenin­g infections particular­ly in older people and those with preexistin­g health conditions, the scientists said, children appear to have milder clinical symptoms than adults, and tend to be at substantia­lly lower risk of severe disease. They said this was also true in the SARS and MERS epidemics. Based on data from China since

February 2020, the study noted that children and adolescent­s accounted for only two percent of SARSCoV-2 hospitalis­ations. However, they said children are less frequently symptomati­c, and have less severe symptoms they are less often tested, leading to an underestim­ate of the true numbers infected. The researcher­s added that children are also less frequently exposed to the main sources of transmissi­on. "Most infected children recover one to two weeks after the onset of symptoms, and no deaths had been reported.

A woman plays with her daughter as they wait at Barcelona airport in Spain on Saturday. Spain’s prime minister has announced a two-week state of emergency from Saturday.

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