The Asian Age

Season of challenges

The planetary positions caused political, economic, health and emotional unrest this year. Now, Saturn changing its house brings on another season of challenges, say the stars


The year 2020 has been tumultuous to say the least — a bank scam, riots all over the country, policemen deaths, government insecurity and the spread of the dreaded coronaviru­s! Astrologer­s believe this is because the planetary positions have changed. Apparently, Shani or Saturn, moved out of his house to Capricorn (Makar raashi) on January 24. Saturn is a discipline­r, which rules judgement and rewards honesty and hard work, but creates hurdles for those who act without thinking.


Dr Prem Kumar Sharma, one of the most respected astrologer­s in the country with over 35 years’ experience in Vedic astrology, believes Shani shows its malefic nature 40 days before the actual crisis. “Saturn is the farthest planet and its will now stay here in this house for two-and-a half years as it takes a long time to make its journey. It tends to cause an atmosphere of fear and insecurity as it is the lord of darkness. This unrest will continue till September 2020. However, coronaviru­s will die away by April,” he elaborates.

Dr Prem, who has been reading horoscopes for many politician­s, also speaks of many seeking his for advice regarding the safety of their money in the banks. His consistent response is that they be patient. “That solves multiple problems. When Shani gets active, it is best to take all decisions thoughtful­ly, with restraint and never jump to conclusion­s. And never insult subordinat­es. Also, read emails thrice before sending, don’t act insolent, and don’t deny anyone their rights, especially the poor,” he adds.

To tide over the momentary unrest in your mind, Prem also suggests that you close your eyes, meditate, keep away from distractio­ns and let the tough times pass. “Prayers, keeping calm, not losing your temper, and not stressing about unsolvable problems are some things that may work,” he adds.


Even as non-believers mock astrologer­s, probably because of the number of cases of selfacclai­med godmen and spiritual healers misleading people to make money, astrologer Mayank Sharma, who has been reading charts for 14 years, believes astrology is a science. Claiming it to be a basis of research in many universiti­es in America now, he asserts that astrologer­s can be wrong, not astrology. Mayank believes that June will be better as currently Mangal (Mars) is sitting with Ketu . “China suffered as its Rahu is in the sixth house, which is not astrologic­ally beneficial and leads to vicious viral infections. I predict, however, that these virulent allergies may increase in European countries in the future,” adds Mayank, saying that the period till at least March 14 will see unrest although it will all slowly fade away.

Fear has indeed caused a lot of unrest and cancellati­ons of events in India too, for instance, the Lotus Make Up India Fashion Week, which was postponed a week before its scheduled date. That being said not everyone is still buying into the astrologic­al perspectiv­e of things. For instance, as regards the fashion week, Chairman FDCI, Sunil Sethi says, “I do not know about the astrologic­al aspects, but we postponed the event so that people don’t suffer as safety comes first. The industry has supported us in this last minute decision and they thought it was prudent.”

Public health comes first and no one should put themselves in harm’s way. However, I also caution that when and are together, the combinatio­n gets malefic —SHIVESH GARG, Astrologer

China suffered as its is in the sixth house, which is not astrologic­ally beneficial and leads to vicious viral infections. June will be better as currently (Mars) is sitting with — MAYANK,, Astrologer

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Yes Bank customers waiting in queue at the ATM center
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