The Asian Age

Play up your lips and eyes this summer



H oney is naturally antibacter­ial and helps hydrate the skin. Just apply some honey on your face, let it sit for a few minutes, then wash off gently with warm water.

Summers might be tricky when it comes to having a smudge-free makeup, but with expert makeup tips, you can celebrate the season in a truly bronzing-blushing fashion.


Summer is a great time to flaunt your natural skin tone and embrace it in style. The best bet is a nude makeup. Start with a toner to reduce the sebum and apply a light moisturize­r to protect from the harmful effects of sunrays and then use a light foundation. If you aren't using a lot of makeup, skip the foundation and opt for a moisturise­r with SPF and tint or a BB cream to accentuate your skin. Opt for a nude lipstick in shades of mocha, caramel, etc or dust pink, bare, etc to complement your skin tone. Luscious lips in bright pinks and reds can add to your enigma and get you partyready too.


Winged eyes are one of the simplest ways to add a touch of glam to your look without worrying about the harsh weather. Don't be afraid of using colors on your face. Colored liners are also perfect for that summery vibe. Opt for a lighter lip color to go with the liner and embrace a rather colourful and suave look for your office, college or parties. The trick to flaunt winged eyes for the summer is to use colors to your advantage.


You don't need to shy away from smokey eyes during summers. Flaunting one gets easier with the right products in hand. Invest in waterproof eyeliner and mascara as normal liners and mascaras tend to sweat and blotch the makeup. Smear the eyeliner and blend it well and craft the perfection with a thin line of mascara. Keep the waterline simple with light color eyeliners or peach eye sticks to let that summer vibe appeal. Smother some Mac strobe cream on your skin to make it look dewy and glowy.

— Aafreen Petiwala, Celebrity Make Up Artist

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