The Asian Age

Beauty begins at home

The best beauty secrets are hidden in the kitchen of your home, be it in form of spices, superfoods, or even oils


When it comes to beauty secrets, the best ones often hide in your kitchen. Don’t believe us? Well, here’s what actress Priyanka Chopra revealed in a recent interview about her obsession with ubtan for skin and coconut oil for hair: When asked about her skincare regime, Priyanka shared, “I use a mask called ubtan. It's not for sensitive skin, but I use this on my face as well: basically mix yoghurt, a little lemon, a pinch of turmeric powder and flour. Put it on your body and scrub it off like an exfoliant.”

Just like the famous ubtan, many simple homemade recipes can be used as natural skin treatments without breaking a sweat.

Since Indian kitchens are a goldmine for beauty enthusiast­s, one can rely on seasonal herbs, condiments, and superfoods for beauty enhancemen­t. In olden times, beauty products used by women were household spices that were discovered accidental­ly while preparing meals. Dr Priyanka Tyagi, dermat and cosmetolog­ist at Omorfia Aesthetic Clinic, says that these spices can be used even today, as many of them have antioxidan­t properties and health benefits.

“The wonder spice turmeric has curcumin, a bioactive component, with anti-inflammato­ry and antioxidan­t properties. It acts as a natural antibiotic and works on healing wounds and treating acne by directly applying it in powder form. One can also use strands of saffron in milk, apply on the face and neck for a few minutes, and wash it off to reduce acne and blemishes. Or soak a few strands of saffron overnight in a teaspoon of water, mix it with a pinch of salt and some olive or coconut oil, and apply it as a face mask to get glowing skin,” she lists.

The antibacter­ial properties of other food items such as vanilla, fennel, cumin, and cloves can also be utilised to make face masks and help cleanse the skin. Dr Tyagi elaborates, “Vanilla is widely used in the cosmetic industry for its fragrance and anti-ageing benefits. Applying raw vanilla beans infused with organic oil makes the skin smooth and soft. You can also prepare a scrub by slicing five vanilla beans to scrape out its seeds. Add these seeds along with three tablespoon­s brown sugar and two drops of vanilla essential oil to freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix the ingredient­s, and massage it on your face for a few minutes to get clear skin. One can also use clove oil to remove or lighten acne marks; it works like a chemical peel and exfoliates the dead skin, so use it with caution. Use cinnamon to improve blood flow and fennel to protect your skin from ageing. Cumin or jeera water is a great way to get rid of acne naturally, and it will also keep your hair healthy.”

Besides consuming superfoods like fresh fruits and vegetables, applying them topically on your skin can also give you wonderful skin benefits. Beauty expert Dolly Kumar, director at Skinella, lists some easy ways to combat skin issues with fruits. “Applying blueberry on your skin can help cleanse your skin and also help you get a fresh and supple appearance. On the other hand, grapefruit­s are rich in Vitamin A and C, minerals and antioxidan­ts, and can be used to make your skin firm and provide a protective shield against UV rays. Just like grapefruit­s, mandarin also contains a high level of Vitamin C, which helps the skin resist the damage caused by the sun and free radicals. One can use the soft crushed beads of pink guava as a great exfoliatin­g scrub and protect the skin from wrinkles. Use cranberrie­s to cleanse your skin and treat acne. While a combinatio­n of honey and oats can be a great scrub for sensitive skin as it unclogs pores and removes dirt,” she shares.

In olden times, beauty products used by women were household spices that were discovered accidental­ly

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