The Asian Age

Fortune cookie Saturn’s big moment



Following its rendezvous with Pluto in January, Saturn's next big moment arrives next weekend. As it changes signs for the first time since 2017, it shifts its emphasis to technology and making sure that progress is structured and purposeful. Imagine the internet without websites… that's what we had back before Saturn last visited its Aquarian home in 1991. And, with the Equinox arriving as Mars converges with Jupiter, we'll have the courage and conviction to rise to the challenge.


AJune 23-July 23

s long as you don't take too much on this week, everything will turn out well for you. Yet, given your tendency to take on responsibi­lity, this isn't as simple as it seems. You've been waiting for something to happen. But sometimes you just need to wait. Seeds, for example, take a while before they show signs of life and emerge from the soil. There's a natural process taking place now, and it's going as fast as it can. Saturn's imminent change of signs confirms that waiting patiently will bring rewards.


The last thing you want now is an expert opinion about your love life. Trust your own brightest hopes instead!

LEO July 24-August 23

I t's not always easy to know when someone's making an outlandish claim or speaking the truth. People say ridiculous things. That's why you tend to switch off sometimes; if you're not really listening to what's being said, you don't have to worry about whether to believe what you're being told… or not. Even when someone is being emphatic, you feel more like testing out what they're saying than simply believing it to be true. Yet this week, as you're about to discover, one person is worth really listening to.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You know the right thing to do, and you're not afraid to do it. Stick to your principles and be proud of yourself.

LIBRA VIRGO August 24-September 23

T his week, Saturn's imminent change of sign forces you to focus on financial matters, in particular, why you don't have as much money as you'd like. This is the case for millionair­e Virgos, as well as hard-up ones. Everyone in your sign could do with an injection of wealth. Yet it's also true that none of them are as close to the brink as they think they are. The reason you're so aware of this need is that you have the resources to nourish it. Here comes an opportunit­y to bring abundance into your life.


SCORPIO October 24-November 22

T hey tell us to look before we leap; yet sometimes leaping, with only a cursory glance at where what we're going, leads to exciting new situations that, had we thought about it, we'd never have found the courage to walk into. It's better to be excitedly inexperien­ced than pessimisti­cally stuck. As Saturn prepares to change signs, if you're feeling negative, think about your options. It's easy to write things off as inappropri­ate. Yet if you look again, you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you can do.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: There's an artificial restrictio­n you are imposing on yourself. To improve a key relationsh­ip now, just forget about it!


 ??  ?? Don't shy away from asking tough questions; a pleasing outcome will result. You need to develop discrimina­tion.
Don't shy away from asking tough questions; a pleasing outcome will result. You need to develop discrimina­tion.
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