The Asian Age

15 MARCH 2020



ARIES March 21-April 20

T hey tell us that as we grow older, we become wiser; and it's certainly nice to imagine that we do. Some people, though, seem determined not to learn anything as they go about their lives. They just go round and round in circles, playing out the same old relationsh­ips, dealing with the same dramas and stubbornly refusing to make any changes to their patterns of behaviour. If we're not willing to learn, our experience serves for nothing. Since you are ready and willing, you're wiser than you think!

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: There is work to be done. Apply yourself with a strong positive attitude and you will make excellent progress this week.

April 21-May 21

I f you don't judge, you won't be judged'. Even if we intuitivel­y understand the wisdom in this advice, we struggle to follow it. Even people who manage to follow the Ten Commandmen­ts find it challengin­g. Who can resist looking at the lives of people who seem to be making a mess of things, and feeling ever-soslightly superior? Isn't that what celebrity culture is all about? Yet, this week, as Saturn prepares to change signs, it's what you need to remember. Keep an open mind. Things will turn to your advantage.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: The planets are on your side protecting you right now. Avoid negative thoughts and you can expect an easy time this week.

GEMINI May 22-June 22

T here are times when you're so tuned in that you notice more than you need to notice and pick up too much informatio­n. This adds to your sensitivit­y and you end up so identifyin­g with people's emotions and anxieties that the boundaries get blurred and you find it hard to remember your own needs. You've been investing your time and energy in someone. But your kindhearte­dness is influencin­g your judgment to the extent that you're overlookin­g a problem. It's good to forgive… but not to forget.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Someone is spoiling for a fight. It's an argument you will win - as long as you don't let yourself be goaded into joining in!

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