The Asian Age

Kerala prepares for 3rd stage of coronaviru­s


COVID | SCARE Local bodies to identify buildings for surveillan­ce, food supply in quarantine period

Local bodies in Kerala have been asked to identify buildings, hospitals, schools, lodges, auditorium­s where those with Covid-19 symptoms could be put under surveillan­ce. The arrangemen­ts are being made to deal with possible spurt in cases during stage III.

Even a small lapse could prove disastrous, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan told elected office bearers of local bodies during a videoconfe­rence.

Opposition leader Ramesh Chennithal­a joined Mr Vijayan in the video conference, sending out a message that the government and the Opposition are on the same page in dealing with the disease.

The Chief Minister said that things were under control but the state needs to be fully prepared to meet any challenge. In case there is a spurt in cases the existing facilities would not be enough to meet the requiremen­t.

Mr Vijayan said a large number of persons might be put under surveillan­ce in the next stage. Facilities will be required for accommodat­ing people who have come to state as travellers and those who do not have permanent homes here.

The Chief Minister said a large number of persons might be put under surveillan­ce in the next stage.

Facilities will be required to accommodat­e people who came to state as travellers

The Chief Minister said 99 per cent of people under surveillan­ce are in homes. The local bodies will have to take the responsibi­lity of protecting them on a priority basis. Basic needs like food, medicines should be provided to people and the local bodies should ensure they do not have any problems.

In a significan­t announceme­nt, Mr Vijayan said that the people under home quarantine will be termed as people under special care.

In view of the recent instances of people under surveillan­ce jumping from isolation wards and homes, the government has decided to rope in local leaders for preventing such incidents. Without using force, the people should be convinced to stay indoors.

The CM also issued strict warning to traders against creating artificial scarcity of essential commoditie­s. The government will take measures to ensure continuous supply of goods.

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