The Asian Age

New Parl building by Aug. 2022

■ Centre aims to hold ’22 Monsoon Session in new House


Chairperso­ns of all the parliament­ary committees were on Thursday apprised about the government’s plan to set up a new Parliament building, which is supposed to come up by 2022, and where the Centre is aiming to hold the Monsoon Session of that year.

In a meeting of the General Purposes Committee (GPC) of Lok Sabha, which was presided over by the Speaker Om Birla, the estimated expenditur­e of around `5,000 crore for constructi­ng the new Parliament building, was discussed and it is likely to be included in the Finance Bill, which is yet to be passed by Lok Sabha, once the GPC approves it.

With the Finance Bill likely to be taken by Lok Sabha next week, the GPC may approve the expenditur­e in its next meeting.

The meeting of GPC, sources aware of developmen­ts said, was not the final one, and was held to give an idea of the proposed building plan to all chairperso­ns of parliament­ary committees who constitute the GPC.

In the meeting, a presentati­on was given on the structure of the new Parliament building by representa­tives of the architectu­ral firm, which would be undertakin­g the project on behalf of the government.

Sources informed that all the chairperso­ns of parliament­ary panels, who consist of the GPC, attended the meeting, and were informed the design and structure of the proposed Parliament building.

Though several Opposition members like Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, Shashi Tharoor and Bhartruhar­i Mehtab were present in the meeting, there was no objection made to the proposal by them.

The work on the new Parliament building is likely to begin in August this year and the government aims to complete it before August 2022, so that the Monsoon session of that year is held in the new compound.

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